曼罗·里夫(Munro Leaf;1905~1976),生前写过、画过近四十本书,其中最具盛名的,即是与罗伯特·劳森合作的《爱花的牛》。
The Story of Ferdinand 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
我把绘本图片做成了ppt格式的电子版,免费赠送,需要的话,可以向我索取! 一头叫费迪南的公牛从小就特别喜欢花。别的牛都爱跑、爱跳、爱抵角,就他不喜欢。他每天都到牧场外的一颗栎树下闻花香。 年复一年,费迪南长大了,别的牛最大的愿望就是去参加马德里的斗牛大赛,...
评分 评分1.一部电影 2010年的奥斯卡获奖电影《盲点》(The Blind Side),让许多人认识了迈克——这个从底层走上成功之路的明星运动员,电影正是改编自他的真实故事。 迈克出生于黑人贫民窟,从小在贫穷、暴力和缺乏照顾的环境里长大,父亲不知所终,妈妈穷困潦倒、自顾不暇...
评分亲爱的孩子,请你躺躺好。今晚,我们来讲讲费迪南的故事。 哦,不!不!不是费列罗,是费迪南! 费迪南可不是什么巧克力的弟弟。 费迪南是一只牛。 费迪南是一只长在西班牙的牛。 命运这个东西,怎么说呢!一只牛长在我们这里,如果耕地耕的比较好,或者肉特别好吃的话,我们就...
评分亲爱的孩子,请你躺躺好。今晚,我们来讲讲费迪南的故事。 哦,不!不!不是费列罗,是费迪南! 费迪南可不是什么巧克力的弟弟。 费迪南是一只牛。 费迪南是一只长在西班牙的牛。 命运这个东西,怎么说呢!一只牛长在我们这里,如果耕地耕的比较好,或者肉特别好吃的话,我们就...
图书标签: 绘本 英文绘本 图画书 儿童 繪本 pdfs otherversion my
A true classic with a timeless message, The Story of Ferdinand has enchanted readers since it was first published in 1936. All the other bulls would run and jump and butt their heads together. But Ferdinand would rather sit and smell the flowers. So what will happen when our pacifist hero is picked for the bullfights in Madrid? This new edition contains the complete original text of the story and the original illustrations with watercolor tones added.
The story is about a bull, it like sitting and smelling the flowers, even in the bull fighting ring, it doesn't fighting with human. It's a story about love and peace, and Ferdinand also has a good mother.
评分a fable for the modern child
评分The story is about a bull, it like sitting and smelling the flowers, even in the bull fighting ring, it doesn't fighting with human. It's a story about love and peace, and Ferdinand also has a good mother.
评分His mother saw that he was not lonesome, and because she was an understanding mother,even though she was a cow,she let him just sit there and be happy.
评分The story is about a bull, it like sitting and smelling the flowers, even in the bull fighting ring, it doesn't fighting with human. It's a story about love and peace, and Ferdinand also has a good mother.
The Story of Ferdinand 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书