Wei Hui studied Chinese Language and Literature at Fudan University in Shanghai, after a year of military training. Her first short story published at the age of 21. Her first novel "Shanghai Baby", after being #1 best seller overnight in China, was banned due to its explicit sexual scenes and bold portrait of china's new generation, and the publishing house was closed down for 3 months. Shanghai Baby became instantly an international best seller published in 34 languages over 45 countries for over 6 millions copies,it is so far the most sold Chinese contemporary literature.
SHANGHAI BABY is a beautiful novel. The language is poetic and sensual yet funny and brutally honest. Coco is frank in her confusions, frustrations, elations, and joys. She is joined by a bevy of interesting characters, including a former madam, a computer hacker, a bisexual fashion stylist, an avant-garde filmmaker, drug addicts, and artists, not to mention her parents who must overcome their traditional expectations in order to understand and support her artistic and personal choices. Each character is faced with the same issues as Coco and each attempts to make sense of relationships, sexuality, family, and life in a changing Chinese culture. While Hui implies the struggle between tradition and modernity is lessening (at least in cosmopolitan Shanghai) her forecast for a woman's chance to find both sexual and emotional fulfillment is less optimistic.
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評分讀這本書的現在,正處於失戀跟母親大病的雙重摺磨下 白天在醫院照顧母親,偶爾她會沉睡,手機的流量因接近月底,已不能再接受我繼續尋求在綫陪聊,為瞭打發這些無聊的時間,隻能從錶姐的書櫃裏淘齣看著標題我還感興趣的書籍 好吧,言歸正傳。我覺得我現在患瞭輕微的抑鬱癥或...
評分上海寶貝 一個拿虛無當寶貝的人 很小的時候讀過 沒懂 最近又看瞭一遍 有點後悔 一直以為衛慧和安妮寶貝差不多 結果 還不如呢 嗬嗬 我已經過瞭讀這樣書的年紀瞭
圖書標籤: 小說 衛慧 中國文學 中國 上海故事 英國 科幻 愛情
$7買到的! 哈哈 讀過一點點中文版的
評分少兒不宜 大雞巴頻繁齣現~
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