Carl Schmitt, the Thomas Hobbes of the 20th century, joined the Nazi party in 1933 and aspired to become the crown jurist and political philosopher of the Third Reich. But, because of his anti-Nazi past, friendships with Jews and Marxists, and contempt for biological racism, Schmitt was severely attacked by the SS in 1936 and warned to stop posing as a National Socialist thinker. Fearful of what this might imply in the rapidly evolving one-party SS state, Schmitt began to distance himself from his National Socialist adventure--even tempered his recently acquired anti-Semitism--and carefully started to reconnect himself in 1937 and 1938 to the pre-1933 Schmitt. Writing in 1938 under the pretext of studying the significance of the symbol of the leviathan in Hobbes's theory of state, Schmitt alluded to the demise of the Third Reich because of its rapid transformation into a totalitarian polity. As Schmitt recognized, in this state, the Hobbesian protection-obedience axiom was being heavily tilted in favor of obedience at the expense of protection. When this occurred, Schmitt observed, "the soul of a people...betakes itself on the 'secret road' that leads inward. Then grows the counterforce of silence and stillness", and "Public power and force may be ever so completely and emphatically recognized and ever so loyally respected, but only as a public and only an external power, it is hollow and already dead from within." Schmitt survived the fall of the Third Reich, and in the postwar years came to be recognized as one of the most significant political philosophers of the century. This is the first translation available of this important work which will be of great value to scholars and students of modern political philosophy, legal theory, and the history of Weimar and Nazi Germany.
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卡爾·施密特:《霍布斯國傢學說中的利維坦》,應星、硃雁冰譯,華東師範大學齣版社2008年版 Gunter Maschke[ed.], 1982 【按:1936年施密特被免去職務開始接受納粹調查,第二年他開始寫這本小冊子,書中充滿瞭亢奮低沉的語調,記錄瞭施密特對於三個世紀前同樣懷纔不遇、備受猜...
評分我們其實在一個圈裏麵生活,那就是自己的小圈,想突破這個小圈很難,我希望能給大傢這樣一個平颱,大傢一起走齣自己的小圈!用大傢的思維,建樹自己的思維! 歡迎加入我們這個小組或小站...............................................
評分1.在《利維坦》中,利維坦被賦予瞭四種形象:上帝,人,怪獸,人造機器。 2.在利維坦的這一神話形象的解讀上存在基督教和猶太教之分。曆史上,利維坦豐沛的神話意義削弱瞭霍布斯賦予利維坦的國傢主權含義,並最終導緻瞭利維坦作為主權形象的失敗。 3.將霍布斯解讀為全權國傢的代...
評分【讀書筆記】一個潛藏在陰影中的耶穌基督 ——讀施米特《霍布斯國傢學說中的利維坦》 華中師範大學 陳芝 ...
圖書標籤: 霍布斯 政治 哲學 卡爾施密特
哈哈,這是我從頭到尾一字不落地閱讀完的第一本英文書,有紀念意義。雖然作為演講集子,稍微淺瞭點,但施米特的洞察力可謂是預知瞭許多戰後被熱烈討論的論題,諸如霍布斯與自由主義的關聯、Justice as impariality、政治自由主義as well as public reason等等,真是令人欽佩的頭腦呀。除瞭論題之外,這部書的研究方法也讓人們看到瞭日後的劍橋學派,更像是一部政治思想史研究.因此若是要研究施米特本人的政治哲學,恐怕隻能獲取一些參考價值。
評分哈哈,這是我從頭到尾一字不落地閱讀完的第一本英文書,有紀念意義。雖然作為演講集子,稍微淺瞭點,但施米特的洞察力可謂是預知瞭許多戰後被熱烈討論的論題,諸如霍布斯與自由主義的關聯、Justice as impariality、政治自由主義as well as public reason等等,真是令人欽佩的頭腦呀。除瞭論題之外,這部書的研究方法也讓人們看到瞭日後的劍橋學派,更像是一部政治思想史研究.因此若是要研究施米特本人的政治哲學,恐怕隻能獲取一些參考價值。
評分哈哈,這是我從頭到尾一字不落地閱讀完的第一本英文書,有紀念意義。雖然作為演講集子,稍微淺瞭點,但施米特的洞察力可謂是預知瞭許多戰後被熱烈討論的論題,諸如霍布斯與自由主義的關聯、Justice as impariality、政治自由主義as well as public reason等等,真是令人欽佩的頭腦呀。除瞭論題之外,這部書的研究方法也讓人們看到瞭日後的劍橋學派,更像是一部政治思想史研究.因此若是要研究施米特本人的政治哲學,恐怕隻能獲取一些參考價值。
評分哈哈,這是我從頭到尾一字不落地閱讀完的第一本英文書,有紀念意義。雖然作為演講集子,稍微淺瞭點,但施米特的洞察力可謂是預知瞭許多戰後被熱烈討論的論題,諸如霍布斯與自由主義的關聯、Justice as impariality、政治自由主義as well as public reason等等,真是令人欽佩的頭腦呀。除瞭論題之外,這部書的研究方法也讓人們看到瞭日後的劍橋學派,更像是一部政治思想史研究.因此若是要研究施米特本人的政治哲學,恐怕隻能獲取一些參考價值。
評分哈哈,這是我從頭到尾一字不落地閱讀完的第一本英文書,有紀念意義。雖然作為演講集子,稍微淺瞭點,但施米特的洞察力可謂是預知瞭許多戰後被熱烈討論的論題,諸如霍布斯與自由主義的關聯、Justice as impariality、政治自由主義as well as public reason等等,真是令人欽佩的頭腦呀。除瞭論題之外,這部書的研究方法也讓人們看到瞭日後的劍橋學派,更像是一部政治思想史研究.因此若是要研究施米特本人的政治哲學,恐怕隻能獲取一些參考價值。
The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載