The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
很早就拜读过马克思的这部“天才的著作”——《路易•波拿巴的雾月十八日》,偶然在书店看到这个图释版本,当时的心情不啻“旧友重逢”,而且眼见这位“挚友”“容光焕发”,自然立即捧回猛读一番。 我首先好奇地搜查到了主演帝国复辟“笑剧”的主角路易•波拿巴的...
评分 评分这是一部运用阶级分析方法论述史事的经典著作。法兰西第二共和国的寿命不长,从1848年2月开始,至1951年12月告终。在短短4年中,政变与镇压、组阁与倒阁、休会与开会,事件接连而生,使不熟悉那段历史的人如我有山阴道上应接不暇之感。使用阶级分析方法,把光怪陆离事件背后的...
评分易中天教授频频引用推荐马克思的这本书,以下是他关于此书的一些评述: 1、《南方日报》访谈:我认为,今天的改革不能脱离传统,一味崇尚西学。但我更赞成马克思在《路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日》中的一句话:人们自己创造自己的历史,但是他们并不是随心所欲地创造,并不是...
图书标签: 经典 社会 政治 历史 KarlMarx
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte is a publication written by Karl Marx. Demonstrating his abilities as a social and political historian, Marx treats actual historical events leading up to Louis Bonaparte's coup d'état to his own materialist conception of history. The interpretation in this book by Marx of Bonaparte's rise and fall has proved to be very popular among scholars studying the nature and meaning of fascism. The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte is highly recommended for those interested in reading about fascism and those who are interested in the major works of Karl Marx.
They cannot represent themselves, they must be represented.
评分They cannot represent themselves, they must be represented.
评分They cannot represent themselves, they must be represented.
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书