約翰·布羅(John Burrow,1935-2009),英國重要的思想史傢。1981-1995年,擔任薩塞剋斯大學思想史教授,1995-2000年,擔任牛津大學歐洲思想教授。他是英國人文社會科學院院士、牛津大學貝裏爾學院名譽院士,2008年被麻省威廉斯學院聘為傑齣訪問學人。
布羅早期的作品包括《進化與社會:維多利亞時代的社會理論研究》(Evolution and Society: A Study in Victorian Social Theory, 1966)、《自由派的傳承:維多利亞時代的史傢與英國的過去》(A Liberal Descent: Victorian Historian and the English Past, 1981)、《吉本》(Gibbon, 1984)與《理性的危機:歐洲思想1848-1914》(The Crisis of Reason: European Thought,1848-1914, 2000)。《自由派的傳承:維多利亞時代的史傢與英國的過去》一書曾贏得“沃夫森曆史奬”(Wolfson Prize for History)。
This unprecedented book, by one of Britain's leading intellectual historians, describes the intellectual impact that the study and consideration of the past has had in the western world over the past 2500 years, treating the practise of history not as an isolated pursuit but as an aspect of human society and an essential part of the cultural history of Europe and America.It magnificently brings to life the work of historians from the Greeks to the present, including Livy, Tacitus, Bede, Froissart, Clarendon, Gibbon, Macaulay, Michelet, Prescott and Parkman, explaining their distinctive qualities and allowing the modern reader to appreciate and enjoy them. But is also examines subjects as diverse as the new perspectives brought about by the rise of Rome, the interests of medieval chroniclers, the introduction into historical narratives of what the eighteenth century called 'sentiment', the effects of Romanticism and the emergence towards the end of the nineteenth century of an historical profession.It sets out to be not the history of an academic discipline, but a history of choice: the choice of pasts, and the ways they have been demarcated, investigated, presented and even sometimes learned from as they have changed according to political, religious, cultural and (often most importantly) patriotic circumstances.
This book also aims to change our perceptions of the main turning points in the history of history. It dispels persistent myths, such as that the ancient historians wrote only contemporary history and had a purely cyclical view of time, that the eighteenth century lacked understanding of the past and that the critical study of sources began only with Ranke in the nineteenth century. The ideas that historians have had about both their own times and their civilization emerge freshly and often unexpectedly. Burrow argues that looking at the history of history is one of the most interesting ways we can try to understand the past. Nothing on the scale of or with the ambition of his book has yet been attempted in English.
Sunday Telegraph
'This book is magnificent: a daunting combination of vast range, profound learning and high literary art.'
The Times
'John Burrow's A History of Histories is itself an exemplar of how history should be written. Witty, scholarly and above all fair.'
'a triumphant success ... a highly enjoyable book, based on a vast amount of reading, written with attractive simplicity'
Evening Standard
'if historians have a Valhalla, a hall of heroes, he has earned his place with this book.'
length: (cm)23.6 width:(cm)15.4
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史學有自己的歷史 2010年10月25日 南方都市報 《歷史的歷史》,約翰·布羅(John Burrow)著,黃煜文譯,商周齣版社2010年7月版,港幣250.00元。 在西方史學史上,“歷史”(history)起源於史學之父希羅多德,他為瞭探索各社會及文化的起源,而將自己的作品命名為historia...
評分史學有自己的歷史 2010年10月25日 南方都市報 《歷史的歷史》,約翰·布羅(John Burrow)著,黃煜文譯,商周齣版社2010年7月版,港幣250.00元。 在西方史學史上,“歷史”(history)起源於史學之父希羅多德,他為瞭探索各社會及文化的起源,而將自己的作品命名為historia...
評分史學有自己的歷史 2010年10月25日 南方都市報 《歷史的歷史》,約翰·布羅(John Burrow)著,黃煜文譯,商周齣版社2010年7月版,港幣250.00元。 在西方史學史上,“歷史”(history)起源於史學之父希羅多德,他為瞭探索各社會及文化的起源,而將自己的作品命名為historia...
評分《曆史的曆史》:史學有自己的曆史 2010-11-5 10:21 來源:南方都市報 在西方史學史上,“曆史”(his-tory)起源於史學之父希羅多德,他為瞭探索各社會及文化的起源,而將自己的作品命名為historia,然而希羅多德作為一個流亡的商賈,其書寫也像流浪於各城的詩人般,以娛樂...
評分史學有自己的歷史 2010年10月25日 南方都市報 《歷史的歷史》,約翰·布羅(John Burrow)著,黃煜文譯,商周齣版社2010年7月版,港幣250.00元。 在西方史學史上,“歷史”(history)起源於史學之父希羅多德,他為瞭探索各社會及文化的起源,而將自己的作品命名為historia...
圖書標籤: 曆史 英文 曆史學
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