Gorgias (Penguin Classics) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分Sachs 是在美國 St. John's Annapolis 的老師(已退休?),他的譯本非常注意文本細微處而不會籠統用同樣的詞譯不同的原文,於是不懂古希臘文的學生可以用他的譯本作研究或者與原文對照練習古希臘文。這本的注解也很有幫助,將柏拉圖的 Gorgias 和亞里斯多德的 Rhetoric 對勘非...
评分Sachs 是在美國 St. John's Annapolis 的老師(已退休?),他的譯本非常注意文本細微處而不會籠統用同樣的詞譯不同的原文,於是不懂古希臘文的學生可以用他的譯本作研究或者與原文對照練習古希臘文。這本的注解也很有幫助,將柏拉圖的 Gorgias 和亞里斯多德的 Rhetoric 對勘非...
图书标签: plato 柏拉图 政治 哲學 哲学 思想 Philosophy Classics
Taking the form of a dialogue among Socrates, Gorgias, Polus, and Callicles, the Gorgias debates crucial questions about the nature of government. While the aspiring politician Callicles propounds the view that might is right, and the rhetorician Gorgias argues that oratory and the power to persuade represent the greatest good, Socrates insists on the duty of politicians to consider the welfare of their citizensa duty he believed had been dishonored in the Athens of his time. The dialogue offers fascinating insights into how classical Athens was governed and creates a theoretical framework that has been highly influential on subsequent political debate.
评分Socrates is the Master
评分Socrates is the Master
评分Socrates is the Master
Gorgias (Penguin Classics) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书