被稱為業界傳奇LoneIy Planet齣版公司的創始人托尼.惠勒和莫琳·惠勒已經齣版瞭很多的旅行指南,這些指南覆蓋瞭這個星球的每一個國傢。
Lonely Planet創立於1973年,當時惠勒夫婦自己動手齣版瞭一本非常獨特的旅遊指南:《便宜走亞洲》。之後他們又齣版瞭《鞋帶上的東南亞》,這本書很快被人們稱為背包客的“聖經”。當時他們勇敢地踏入瞭彆的旅遊齣版商未曾涉足的市場,他們專為一個新興的自助旅行人群服務,而這些人群的齣現要遠遠早於大眾旅遊市場的興起。
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Newly published. Followed it to visit Fremental, city of Perth, and Pinnacle. This one book is enough for you to travel west coast of Australia. Have to mention that the restaurants it recommend is always quite expensive. You can find a cheaper one near the...
評分Newly published. Followed it to visit Fremental, city of Perth, and Pinnacle. This one book is enough for you to travel west coast of Australia. Have to mention that the restaurants it recommend is always quite expensive. You can find a cheaper one near the...
評分Newly published. Followed it to visit Fremental, city of Perth, and Pinnacle. This one book is enough for you to travel west coast of Australia. Have to mention that the restaurants it recommend is always quite expensive. You can find a cheaper one near the...
評分本來要去這個城市跟相戀3年的男友團聚,過上些"你要呷醋我落糖"的小日子...天天就在那裏浮想聯翩,要去那裏那裏照相,要去公園要去frementle小鎮,要在天鵝河旁鋪開一襲軟布,買上一個遠近馳名的蘋果批,享受這這個安詳寜靜的城市帶給我們優質的生活 一切一切都在我收到這本書的同...
評分Newly published. Followed it to visit Fremental, city of Perth, and Pinnacle. This one book is enough for you to travel west coast of Australia. Have to mention that the restaurants it recommend is always quite expensive. You can find a cheaper one near the...
圖書標籤: LonelyPlanet 珀斯和西澳大利亞 旅行 澳大利亞 珀斯 遊記 留學 電子書
評分說實話,這本珀斯的真的不是很實用,好多地方介紹的過於簡單。比如ROTTNEST ISLAND和FREMANTLE等等。
評分說實話,這本珀斯的真的不是很實用,好多地方介紹的過於簡單。比如ROTTNEST ISLAND和FREMANTLE等等。
珀斯和西澳大利亞 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載