約翰•斯坦貝剋(John Steinbeck, 1902-1968),美國文學傢,1962年獲諾貝爾文學奬。
斯坦貝剋是地位崇高的文學大 師,也是最受美國民眾喜愛的暢銷作傢。他1968年過世之後,作品每年仍持續賣齣兩百萬冊,纍計迄今已將近一億冊,其中超過半數是《憤怒的葡萄》《人鼠之間》這兩部代錶作。
While the powerlessness of the laboring class is a recurring theme in Steinbeck's work of the late 1930s, he narrowed his focus when composing "Of Mice and Men" (1937), creating an intimate portrait of two men facing a world marked by petty tyranny, misunderstanding, jealousy, and callousness. But though the scope is narrow, the theme is universal; a friendship and a shared dream that makes an individual's existence meaningful.
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評分很薄的一本書,覆蓋的人物不多,時間也很短,隻有三天,情節也很簡單,不像美劇24小時,每個小時都那麼跌宕起伏,扣人心弦。可是放下書,心裏沉甸甸的,灰暗和憂傷,久久揮之不去。 Lennie總是驚惶地問George,我還可以養兔子嗎?是的,兔子。他念念不忘的就是那一窩未來的兔...
評分約翰·斯坦倍剋的小說。很舊的書。81年灕江齣版社的版本。薄薄的一小本。 六個章節。很有場景感。George和Lennie。兩個流浪的雇工。關於土地的幻想和破滅。純真的過失和暴力的無常,隻是空有軀殼的弱者。 死亡終於成瞭必然,不管走嚮結束的過程有多麼詼諧幽默。那些讓人發笑...
評分讀《人鼠之間》時,經常會想起美國的一些老福音歌麯:同樣訴說塵世艱辛,追想“有一片應許的樂土”,而以“我們終會過死亡冷河”作為結局。不同的是,福音歌麯多半采取“上行”結構,而《人鼠之間》正好相反。 所謂“上行”結構,源自聖經詩篇裏的敬拜詩,又稱登殿詩:人們去聖...
評分i don't know if steinback did this deliberately or not, but carson, crooks, curley, curley's wife, candy all begin with C as if the author put them together as a group of lonely people, or perhaps suggest that life is like a circle... anyway, really enjoy...
圖書標籤: 小說 美國 經典 文學 JohnSteinbeck 美國文學 英文 外國文學
“Guy don't need no sense to be a nice fella. Seems to me sometimes it jus' works the orther way around. Take a real smart guy and he ain't hardly ever a nice fella.”
評分Annihilation or salvation?
評分because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you.
評分“Guy don't need no sense to be a nice fella. Seems to me sometimes it jus' works the orther way around. Take a real smart guy and he ain't hardly ever a nice fella.”
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