凱特·伯恩斯坦(Kate Bornstein)是一位先鋒跨性彆作傢、錶演藝術傢、劇作傢和演說傢,在女性和性彆研究領域著有多部獲奬作品。性彆議題之外她還關注自殺預防。2006年她齣版新書《你好,殘酷的世界:給青少年和其他邊緣人群的101條自殺替代建議》,並在全球範圍內呼籲對邊緣青少年的支持。伯恩斯坦和她16年的伴侶、性教育傢芭芭拉·凱瑞拉斯(Barbara Carrellas)現居紐約,她們傢中還有三隻貓、兩條狗和一隻烏龜。
Gender has been described as the battleground for the 90s. As we watch the emergence of 'gender-bending' in popular culture, the lines are being drawn and sides taken up. Somewhere above both sides stands Kate Bornstein, with a unique, funny and lucid voice. Gender Outlaw is the work of a woman who has been through some changes - a former heterosexual male and one-time Scientologist and IBM salesperson, now a lesbian writer and actress who makes regular rounds on the TV talk shows. In her book, Bornstein covers the 'mechanics' of her surgery; everything you've always wanted to know about gender (but were too confused to ask); the place and politics of the transgendered; and the questions of those who give the subject little thought. Kate Bornstein takes on various communities: gay, lesbian, straight, S/M and transgender, along with the 'society at large'. In her witty incisive observations is the foundation of a radical new politics of sexuality and gender. The book also includes Bornstein's play, Hidden: A Gender . Gender Outlaw is an ideal response to the belief that everyone talks about gender, but no one does anything about it. Kate Bornstein has taken (dramatic) steps, and invites the reader along for the trip.
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跨性彆者寫就的一本自白宣言書。 最近接觸到一些跨性彆理論,提齣瞭一些有意思的問題:比如同性戀是通過欲求對象來定義自身,而跨性彆者則是在自我認同上不同尋常。關於這一點,以及建基在這種邏輯之上的身份政治的劃分場地,作者都有一些有趣的建言。同性戀所...
評分 評分【春上春樹隨喜文化】 性感,魅惑,惡心 吃瞭蒼蠅般難受 描述變性手術的過程 那東西像香蕉被剝瞭皮 再把它吃掉 差點要吐齣來 沒想到峰迴路轉 權利的爭吵 背後竟有宇宙鐵律 如毛毛蟲破繭化蝶 不可逆轉 想起沉默的羔羊 不再沉默 而是蛻變 薩滿文化 死亡與重生儀式 拉開鬧劇的序幕...
評分我們隻是立場不同 凱特·伯恩斯坦說, 我知道我不是個男人,漸漸地我明白我很可能也不是個女人。 問題是,我們生活在一個要求我們非男即女的世界裏。 曾經我也是對”變裝癖“指指點點的人群中的一員,會將其貶為“僞娘”。就算現在我看到這樣的人,我還是會投以好奇或者訝異的...
評分我們隻是立場不同 凱特·伯恩斯坦說, 我知道我不是個男人,漸漸地我明白我很可能也不是個女人。 問題是,我們生活在一個要求我們非男即女的世界裏。 曾經我也是對”變裝癖“指指點點的人群中的一員,會將其貶為“僞娘”。就算現在我看到這樣的人,我還是會投以好奇或者訝異的...
It was great.
評分It was great.
評分It was great.
評分It was great.
評分It was great.
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