弗朗西絲‧葉芝(Frances A. Yates)
英國知名曆史學傢,曾任教於倫敦大學華堡學院,並榮膺大英帝國司令勛章(Order of the British Empire)以及大英帝國二等女爵士(Dame Commander of the British Empire)等尊銜。另著有《布魯諾與赫米斯知識傳統》(Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition )(1964) 以及《玫瑰十字啓濛》(The Rosicrucian Enlightenment) (1971)等。
The ancient Greeks, to whom a trained memory was of vital importance - as it was to everyone before the invention of printing - invented an elaborate memory system based on a technique of impressing "places" and "images" on the mind. Inherited and recorded by the Romans, this art of memory passed into the European tradition, to be revived, in occult form, during the Renaissance and particularly by the strange and remarkable genius, Giordano Bruno. This is a study of the art of memory. Frances A. Yates is the author of "Theatre of the World", "Astraea" and "The Valois Tapestries".
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評分我本來是來學習如何練就百發百中的射擊之術的,你卻跟我講瞭槍炮的發展曆史。 買書先豆瓣!購書第一法則。咱當年買這本書的時候,就是太衝動,沒上豆瓣,看著: The Art of Memory! 近代首部講述人類如何掌握記憶術的巨作! 二十世紀百大經典之一! 哎,俺就是一功利之人,本...
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評分我本來是來學習如何練就百發百中的射擊之術的,你卻跟我講瞭槍炮的發展曆史。 買書先豆瓣!購書第一法則。咱當年買這本書的時候,就是太衝動,沒上豆瓣,看著: The Art of Memory! 近代首部講述人類如何掌握記憶術的巨作! 二十世紀百大經典之一! 哎,俺就是一功利之人,本...
圖書標籤: 藝術 科學史 感興趣 思想史 古希臘
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