This is regarded as a seminal text of Epicurean science and philosophy. With a new introduction and commentary and a revised translation, this edition acknowledges advances in textual research and also provides more background information for the reader. Epicurians discarded both the idea of immortality and the superstitious worship of wilful gods for a life of serene contentment in the available pleasures of nature. Lucretius (c100-c55BC), in elucidating this belief, steers the reader through an extraordinary breadth of subject matter, ranging from the indestructibility of atoms and the discovery of fire to the folly of romantic love and the phenomena of clouds and rainstorms.
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Lucretius' Atomist theory against men's fear of death contains the following main argument: 1. The universe which has no border consists of void and ultimate particles which compose objects; 2. Changes imply destruction; 3. Soul, the combination of mind an...
評分Lucretius的這本書是整個freshman學年唯一一本從拉丁語翻譯過來,並成書於羅馬時期的reading,在整個古希臘的世界中很特彆。將它的位置提前,大概有兩個原因,一個是要和lab science中的atom theory相聯係,另一個是探討nature到底是什麼,讀Socrates和Plato,再讀Lucretius,...
評分得到聽書: 1.盧剋萊修 他首先是個哲學傢,如果沒有他,我們對古希臘的伊壁鳩魯主義這個哲學流派的瞭解就會大打摺扣。這個學派的開創者伊壁鳩魯雖然寫過很多著作,但是流傳下來的非常少,盧剋萊修的這本《物性論》是我們瞭解這個學派最重要的資料。此外,盧剋萊修還影響瞭現代科...
評分我手中的版本是1986年6月第2版,1997年10月第7次印刷。印刷錯誤有:第241頁第十二行:“者或”應為“或者”;第229頁注釋②倒數第二行:“精測”應為“猜測”;第319頁第二行:“毛葺葺”應為“毛茸茸”;第368頁第9行:“黑越越”應為“黑魆魆”。 據羅素講,盧剋...
評分說早晨是明智的大抵不差 如果一個人已經經曆瞭雨後的睡眠 讀《物性論》一捲,如替樹葉擦去水珠 早歲論盧剋萊修得失,那時是很得意的 清早起身壓住甘願的情人 這都是昨晚討論一宿的結果 如今是不必瞭,清質而明媚的盧剋萊修啊 慣以維納斯的笑靨照物之人 你的論述還是古人這樣穿...
圖書標籤: 哲學 盧剋萊修
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