Wuthering Heights 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
荒野中,一位少女獨自走著。 狂風將她那棕色的長發吹嚮腦後,樸素得幾乎破舊的衣裙裹著那瘦弱的身軀。 一雙神秘而熱情的眼睛照亮瞭她本不齣眾的麵龐,使她整個人散發齣一種聖徒般的光芒。 她停下來,佇立在風中的荒原。 希剋厲! 她的靈魂呼喊道。 我的愛人!我的靈魂!你在哪...
評分2010.7.28 A strange thing happened when I was reading this book. Obviously, the writing itself was powerful and the book, a page turner. But as I was reading it, I never thought of those characters to be real. Neither could I relate to them, nor did I a...
評分2010.7.28 A strange thing happened when I was reading this book. Obviously, the writing itself was powerful and the book, a page turner. But as I was reading it, I never thought of those characters to be real. Neither could I relate to them, nor did I a...
評分這是我第二次讀《呼嘯山莊》瞭。羞愧的講,重讀《呼嘯山莊》並不是因為喜歡,而是因為第一次沒有讀懂。可更令我羞愧的是,第二次,我仍然不懂。 一個關於愛情和復仇,裏麵充滿瞭歌特式的恐怖氣氛的故事。可是在我讀起來居然不疼不癢。是我笨麼?當凱瑟琳和希斯剋裏夫的...
評分伍爾夫在提到艾米莉·勃朗特的《呼嘯山莊》時說,促使艾米莉·勃朗特創作的衝動不是她自身的痛苦和傷害,在讀完《呼嘯山莊》,我難於相信她這種說法。小說中那種痛徹心扉的激情,如果不是有過個人體驗,憑一個人的想象力幾乎是不可能達到的。 一位好心的紳士從街頭引迴一個...
Wuthering Heights 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載