All Your Worth 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 非虚构 理财 money family consumer
You work hard and try to save money, so why is there never enough to cover all the bills, to put some away in your child's college fund, to pay off your credit card debt -- or to relax and have some fun, for once? In the "New York Times" bestseller "All Your Worth," mother/daughter team Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi -- authors of the acclaimed "The Two-Income Trap" -- tell you the truth about money. The authors lay out a groundbreaking approach to getting control of your money so you can finally start building the life you've always wanted. The result of more than twenty years of intensive research, "All Your Worth" offers you a step-by-step plan that will let you master your finances -- for the rest of your life. The secret? It's simple, really: get your money in balance. Warren and Tyagi show you how to balance your money into three essential parts: the Must-Haves (the bills you have to pay every month), the Wants (some fun money for right now), and your Savings (to build a better tomorrow). No complicated budgets, no keeping track of every penny. Warren and Tyagi will show you a whole new way of looking at money -- and yourself -- that will help you get your finances on track so you can enjoy peace of mind for the rest of your life.
里面的说教都是典型的财政保守主义准则(这也是米帝的普通家庭最需要遵守的)。早期的warren是共和党支持者 - 无怪乎她会写出这样的书。她后期转向自由派也和这本书里讨论的predatory lending有关 - 研究了半辈子破产法,再缺乏同情心的人也会怜悯起这些可怜的消费者。中国读者需要这种说教吗?我父母这一辈(五六十年代出生的人)完全不需要看,但是如果你第一张信用卡是在念本科时收到的,那在大学毕业之前还是值得花一个周末来读一读一度有哈佛最高收入的法学教授写的这本小册子,然后在结婚后再和伴侣一起重读一遍。
评分This book is good for learning about saving. recommended.
评分This book is good for learning about saving. recommended.
All Your Worth 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书