伊迪絲·漢密爾頓(Edith Hamilton,1867—1963)齣生於德國,生長於美國印第安納,是美國當代著名的古典文學傢及教育傢。7歲時,漢密爾頓在父親的指導下接觸拉丁文,隨後學習希臘文、法文、德文。她在慕尼黑大學研究古希臘羅馬文學,畢業後,一生從事古典文學的教學、研究和寫作。1922年,她工作退休,開始專職寫作,63歲時齣版第yi本著作《希臘精神》(1930),獲得廣泛贊譽。隨後齣版《羅馬精神》(1932)、《以色列的先知們》(1936)、《希臘戲劇三種》(1937,譯著)、《希臘文學的偉大時代》(1943)、《希臘羅馬神話》(1942,被美國各學校廣泛使用)、《真理的見證:基督和他的解釋者》(1949)、《上帝的代言人》(1949)和《希臘的迴聲》(1957)等多部著作。獲得多個榮譽學位與奬章,包括美國學院文藝奬(American Academy of Arts and Letters)等。1957年,90歲高齡的漢密爾頓被授予雅典榮譽市民,以肯定她在希臘神話及古典文學方麵的貢獻。
There has long been a need for the stories of ancient mythology written to appeal to the twentieth-century mind. Edith Hamilton's orderly and lucid presentation of Greek, Roman and Norse mythology promises the casual reader and the avid student a sound, modern and adult key to the foundation stones of world literature. She has not been content to be merely a reteller of tales. She has blended and organized the sometimes conflicting myths of the early storytellers, molding them with vivid clarity.
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評分勛章—— 評《神話:希臘、羅馬及北歐的神話故事和英雄傳說》 導言: 領略希臘羅馬以及北歐的神話故事和英雄傳說,這一本書就足夠瞭。 主題音樂: 勛章 書籍簡要介紹: 依迪絲 漢密爾頓從時間曆史的漫漫長河中提取最好的神話素材並嘗試把它按照一定的順序一定的邏輯講...
評分 評分"The stories that live the longest are those that never were, and always will be." That's probably one of the many definitions of myth. It tells us that the myths are not the events which were genuinely took place, but stories that could somehow pass down t...
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