让-雅克·卢俊(Jean-Jacques Rousseau,1712-1778),法国著名启蒙思想家、哲学家、教育家、文学家,出生于瑞士日内瓦一个钟表匠家庭,是18世纪法国大革命的思想先驱,启蒙运动最卓越的代表人物之一。重要作品有《新爱洛伊斯》、《社会契约论》、《爱弥尔》、《忏悔录》等。
The Reveries of the Solitary Walker 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
孤独漫步者的遐想 众所周知,此书是卢梭的最后一部著作。几百年前,此书的出版在当时法国引发一波泪水洪流,几百年后,此书依然一版再版,成为畅销读物。光我手头的大陆版本就有三个(中国社会科学、人民、译林),另有花城、北京,华龄。其译名之多亦叫人诧异:有的叫“遐思...
评分看到很多人给四星或五星的评价,但我给的是三星。不知道是自己没有理解作者的思想还是这本书确实一般。 这是我看过的最悲伤的文字,所以我觉得这是一本“抱怨”的书。纵观卢梭的一生,也确实可以理解。他和伏尔泰的生平有巨大的反差:伏尔泰少年得志、成竹在胸、阅尽沧桑,卢梭...
评分【按语:《一个孤独的散步者的遐想》写于卢梭的最后岁月,即1776-1778,于1782年出版。这本书读来让人失望,临近生命终点的卢梭并不比撰写《忏悔录》时更超脱,而《忏悔录》那种“Intus et in cute (深入肺腑和深入肌肤)”的震撼之感却消失了:卢梭生活在被所有人迫害的幻觉之...
评分开始写《一个孤独的散步者的梦》的时候,卢梭已是迟暮之年。到1778年7月他猝然离世为止,卢梭共在这部遗作中留下十篇散步。很多人认为,卢梭之所以没有把这十篇梦的记录收录到《忏悔录》中,因为这本梦录事实上是卢梭在最后的时刻对自己这一生的交代。 事实上,这十篇梦录中的...
图书标签: 卢梭 Rousseau 法国 政治哲学 思想 反启蒙 literature Theory
First published posthumously in 1782 from an unfinished manuscript, The Reveries of the Solitary Walker continues Rousseau's exploration of the soul in the form of a final meditation on self-understanding and isolation. This accurate and graceful translation by Charles Butterworth -- the only English version based on Rousseau's original text -- is accompanied by an interpretive essay, extensive notes, and a comprehensive index.
Seventh Walk
评分Thanks to the sober distance created by translation, one is able to see most piercingly in the Fourth Walk not a man devoured by violent passions, but the irreconcilable antagonism between a contemplative life and an active one; or simply put, the tension between truth and virtue. What an exemplary piece of Rousseau's mastery of rhetoric!
评分Thanks to the sober distance created by translation, one is able to see most piercingly in the Fourth Walk not a man devoured by violent passions, but the irreconcilable antagonism between a contemplative life and an active one; or simply put, the tension between truth and virtue. What an exemplary piece of Rousseau's mastery of rhetoric!
评分Thanks to the sober distance created by translation, one is able to see most piercingly in the Fourth Walk not a man devoured by violent passions, but the irreconcilable antagonism between a contemplative life and an active one; or simply put, the tension between truth and virtue. What an exemplary piece of Rousseau's mastery of rhetoric!
评分Thanks to the sober distance created by translation, one is able to see most piercingly in the Fourth Walk not a man devoured by violent passions, but the irreconcilable antagonism between a contemplative life and an active one; or simply put, the tension between truth and virtue. What an exemplary piece of Rousseau's mastery of rhetoric!
The Reveries of the Solitary Walker 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书