In "Something Wonderful," Judith McNaught brings us her most enchanting romance yet...the story of Alexandra Lawrence, an artless country girl, and her tempestuous marriage to Jordan Townsende, the rich and powerful Duke of Hawthorne. Swept into the endlessly fascinating world of London society, free-spirited Alexandra becomes ensnared in a tangled web of jealousy and revenge, stormy pride and overwhelming passion. But behind her husband's cold, arrogant mask, there lives a tender, vital, sensual man...the man Alexandra married. Now, she will fight for his very life...and the rapturous love they alone can share!
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圖書標籤: JudithMcNaught 羅曼史 西曼 小說 古代 Judith_McNaught
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評分2016-05-03 讀過 我就想知道太陽穴中槍是怎麼活下來的,以及好想知道子彈有沒有取齣來orz
評分2016-05-03 讀過 我就想知道太陽穴中槍是怎麼活下來的,以及好想知道子彈有沒有取齣來orz
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