羅恩·羅澤爾,斯蒂芬·F. 奧斯汀得州之父奬和《影像》雜誌創意奬獲得者,在得剋薩斯州墨西哥灣沿岸地區教授創意寫作。他創作的迴憶錄《走進那個良夜》(Into That Good Night)入選全美筆會奬和得剋薩斯州文學研究所卡爾·P. 柯林斯奬的決賽名單,並被《聖安東尼奧快報》評為1998年全美非虛構類最佳作品第二名。他曾經多次指導寫作研討會,兩次在密西西比大學紐曼全國會議上作為迴憶錄創作導師。著有小說《天堂之窗》(The Windows of Heaven)、《一個與眾不同的地方》(A Place Apart)等。
Build a Believable World How essential is setting to a story? How much description is too much? In what ways do details and setting tie into plot and character development? How can you use setting and description to add depth to your story? You can find all the answers you need in Write Great Fiction: Description & Setting by author and instructor Ron Rozelle. This nuts-and-bolts guide - complete with practical exercises at the end of each chapter - gives you all the tips and techniques you need to: Establish a realistic sense of time and place Use description and setting to drive your story Craft effective description and setting for different genres Skillfully master showing vs. telling With dozens of excerpts from some of today's most popular writers, Write Great Fiction: Description & Setting gives you all the information you need to create a sharp and believable world of people, places, events, and actions.
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有不少作者鼓吹,情節纔是一部小說最重要的部分,描寫和背景隻是襯托,可有可無。更有不少讀者喜歡跳過故事中的描寫和背景,直接看情節,認為讀懂梗概就是瞭解故事。 描寫和背景對於一部小說或是劇本而言,真的不重要嗎?不,它們很重要。 想想最近熱映的中國科幻大電影《流浪...
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