Aine Collier, EdD, is an assistant professor of English at the University of Maryland University College. She holds degrees in European history, international business, and English education. She has been a historian for the Hughes Flying Boat Museum and a 1932 Olympics archival project, as well as an oral historian for a series of interviews with famous figures from the peace movements of the 1930s and 1960s.
The Humble Little Condom 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
在人类历史上,避孕工具曾起到过巨大作用。 人的繁殖能力在自然约束下,原本相互均衡,如果平均四个新生婴儿只有一个能活下来的话,则一对夫妻生育8-9个孩子是合理的。然而,随着人类不断突破自然的限制,生育成了一种负担。以传统的生产方式,很难养活越来越多的人。 人类很...
评分“胜利安全套”是士兵勇敢和战斗技能的象征希波克拉底说:想要终止怀孕,女人需要不断地上下蹦跳,她的脚跟要碰到屁股。培尼狄克:玛格莱特,要是您用它们,得用螺丝扣紧,姑娘们玩这个可得当心呀。 稍微琢磨一下,便能大致明了两人所指。如此无拘无束地区实验,早晚会想到套...
评分图书对套套的发展给予了描述,挺不错的。 将涉及到的品牌都做了介绍,印象很深的就是性感的“美人鱼”。在其发展过程中,各阶段的经历、名人都进行了描述。当然还有它的材料制作呀?广告呀?赞扬声呀?反对的态度等等。 只是感觉还是少了些啥,理论太多,看起来好累。既然是进...
评分我们都知道,莎士比亚的那些剧本里,有很多与性相关的玩笑和隐语。其中有些,可以从译著的文字中分辨出一二,比如在《无事生非》(Much Ado about Nothing)中,玛格莱特(Margaret)和培尼狄克(Benedick)互换黄色笑话: 玛格莱特:盔甲我们自己有,您还是交出利剑吧。 培...
图书标签: 科普 历史 趣味 英文原版 文化 性 english 材料
One of the most basic—and ancient—forms of birth control is the condom. Utilized by all cultures for millennia, and referred to by many colorful euphemisms, it has featured in the lives, loves, and letters of some of the most famous men in history. Shakespeare, Casanova, George Bernard Shaw, to mention only a few, all appreciated and wrote about the importance of using "preventatives." Aine Collier provides a unique glimpse into human sexual habits, customs, beliefs, and attitudes in this first history of the prophylactic device that goes back to at least the ancient Egyptians. As she amply demonstrates, the story of this humble piece of paraphernalia is full of intriguing insights into human character with all its flaws and foibles as well as many fascinating historical details:
• Clergymen of the Middle Ages left records of birth control methods that "worked."
• Columbus’s men returned from the New World infected with the "Great Pox" (syphilis) leading to the rediscovery of the condom as a disease preventative.
• Sixteenth-century Italian anatomist Gabriello Fallopio (discoverer of the Fallopian tube) should be considered the father of the modern condom; he was the first to add a pink ribbon to his sheaths, a flourish that remained standard for centuries.
• When women had few choices in the world of commerce, a significant number found a legitimate and profitable business niche producing and selling sheaths.
• During the Great Depression, while other businesses went bankrupt, condom manufacturers found themselves doing a booming trade throughout the 1930s, one of Wall Street’s few successes. Sadly, it was cheaper to pay 25 cents for a rubber than to have children.
• German gummis were acknowledged to be the finest in the world, until the Nazis made them illegal, fearing Jewish doctors had coerced innocent Germans into using them as birth control.
• AIDS has brought the condom full circle. Not for the first time in history has the little device been vilified as a promoter of dirty, illicit sex and lauded as a life-saving device.
Thoroughly researched yet presented in a witty, enjoyable style, The Humble Little Condom is both an entertaining read and an educational, impeccably researched popular history.
hmmmmmm way too much
The Humble Little Condom 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书