柯娇燕,(Pamela Kyle Crossley),1955年生,美国达特芧斯学院历史学教授,主要研究领域为清史、中国近现代史、比较历史和全球史。曾获古根海姆学者奖(Guggenheim Fellowship),美国亚洲研究协会列文森奖。主要著作有《半透明之镜:清帝国意识形态中的“历史”与“身份”》、《孤军:满洲三代家族与清世界的灭亡》、《世界史:地球及其人民》、《全球社会:1900年以来的世界》等。
What is Global History? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《什么是全球史》这本薄薄的小书在极有限的篇幅内对“全球史”之下的谱系与概念作了清晰的解释与辨析,对我而言很受用。刘文明老师的译笔也很流畅准确。不过,除此之外,还是谈一点阅读中遇到的问题。 柯娇燕教授清晰地总结了全球史的概念与沿革,从各种文明中普遍存...
评分《什么是全球史》这本薄薄的小书在极有限的篇幅内对“全球史”之下的谱系与概念作了清晰的解释与辨析,对我而言很受用。刘文明老师的译笔也很流畅准确。不过,除此之外,还是谈一点阅读中遇到的问题。 柯娇燕教授清晰地总结了全球史的概念与沿革,从各种文明中普遍存...
评分全球史global history,在当代史学中也是一个十分重要的流派,全球史试图以一种更为宽阔的视野来叙述历史,全球史也包含了许多交叉学科的方法,这些不同方法的融合也是的历史研究有加丰富的内涵。全球史学家也在寻找一种能够概括人类历史发展的范式,学者们做了诸多尝试,然而...
Global and world history address the deep structural changes that have shaped human experience. Many are material, related to environmental and climatic alteration, to the domestication of livestock and development of agriculture, to technology, to disease, and to variations in human immunity, reproduction, and physiology.
Others are social and cultural, touching upon issues of migration, trade, language development and differentiation, institutions of enslavement and of freedom, traditions of marriage and child-rearing, the emergence of large-scale political organization from early kingdoms to vast empires, republics and federations, and the management of war and peace.
To deal with such challenging issues, global historians draw upon new techniques of analysis and comparison. But they also continue venerable traditions, inherited from the earliest civilizations, of narrating the past on the most comprehensive and significant scale possible.
This book examines the long search for an integrated human story, and particularly the points at which rapid changes of philosophy and perspective in the twentieth century transformed the historical disciplines. It provides the perfect introduction to global history for students and scholars alike.
What is Global History? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书