作者:John M. Barry为《纽约时报》《时代周刊》《华盛顿邮报》的撰稿人,著作多次登上《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜。其著作《细胞变异》被译成12种语言出版,《潮起——1927年密西西比河洪水及其对美国的影响》获“史密斯奖”、“南方图书奖”等众多奖项。《大流感》被美国科学院评为2005年度最佳科学/医学类图书。
金力,现任复旦大学副校长,生物医学研究院基因组学研究所所长,中科院-马普学会计算生物学伙伴研究所所长,国家人类基因组南方研究中心副主任,美洲华人遗传学会会长, 教育部现代人类学重点实验室主任, 摩尔根-谈家桢国际生命科学研究中心副主任等职务。现为《人类基因组学》(英国)主编、《人类生物学》(美国)、《突变研究》(美国)、《中华医学遗传学杂志》(中国)、《中国生物学前沿》(中国)、《人类学杂志》(克罗地亚)等杂志的编委。
The Great Influenza 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这本书写的是1918年一战期间爆发的世界性流感给全球造成的破坏,和美国的应对举措。 这场流感号称“西班牙流感”,只是因为当时西班牙没有实施战时新闻管制,报道的较多,而并非起源于西班牙。实际上其真正的发源地没有定论,也有说来自亚洲的,但目前较占上风的说法病毒来自于...
评分 评分 评分 评分图书标签: 非虚构 传染病 history 英文原版 历史
At the height of WWI, history’s most lethal influenza virus erupted in an army camp in Kansas, moved east with American troops, then exploded, killing as many as 100 million people worldwide. It killed more people in twenty-four months than AIDS killed in twenty-four years, more in a year than the Black Death killed in a century. But this was not the Middle Ages, and 1918 marked the first collision of science and epidemic disease. Magisterial in its breadth of perspective and depth of research and now revised to reflect the growing danger of the avian flu, The Great Influenza is ultimately a tale of triumph amid tragedy, which provides us with a precise and sobering model as we confront the epidemics looming on our own horizon. John M. Barry has written a new afterword for this edition that brings us up to speed on the terrible threat of the avian flu and suggest ways in which we might head off another flu pandemic.
The Great Influenza 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书