◎ 著者简介
贾尔斯•米尔顿(Giles Milton),英国畅销书作家,著有《伊丽莎白大酋长》《肉豆蔻》《白色黄金》等。
◎ 译者简介
Samurai William 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
“他们到了世界的尽头。一场暴风雨将他们推向未知之地——地图和地球仪上只标着深海怪兽的地方。星星在夜空中闪耀,但对于迷途的孤独探险者来说,它们却是不怀好意的向导。” 在大航海时代,探险家们前赴后继地踏上未知的海域,只为寻找马可.波罗《东方见闻录》中那拥有数不清...
评分 评分公元15世纪欧洲西部小国葡萄牙不再满足本土的发展,开始了向广阔海洋进军的步伐,去寻找通往富饶东方的海路。先是迪亚士发现好望角,发现了非洲大陆的最南段,之后达伽马在此基础上绕过好望角穿过印度洋最终达到了梦想中的印度。达伽马的印度之行有着优厚的回报,60倍的利润刺...
With all the adventure, derring-do, and bloodcurdling battle scenes of his earlier book, Nathaniel’s Nutmeg , acclaimed historian Giles Milton dazzles readers with the true story of William Adams—the first Englishman to set foot in Japan (and the inspiration for James Clavell’s bestselling novel Shogun ). Beginning with Adams’s startling letter to the East India Company in 1611—more than a decade after he’d arrived in Japan— Samurai William chronicles the first foray by the West into that mysterious closed-off land. Drawing upon the journals and letters of Adams as well as the other Englishmen who came looking for him, Samurai William presents a unique glimpse of Japan before it once again closed itself off from the world for another two hundred years.
Samurai William 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书