It's been said that without Harold A. Innis there could have been no Marshall McLuhan. Empire and Communications is one of Innis's most important contributions to the debate about how media influenced the development of consciousness and societies. In this foundational work, he traces humanity's movement from the oral tradition of preliterate cultures to the electronic media of recent times. Along the way, he presents his own influential concepts of oral communication, time and space bias, and monopolies of knowledge. With a new introduction by Alexander John Watson, author of Marginal Man: The Dark Vision of Harold Innis, and a new foreword by series editor Andrew Calabrese, this previously hard-to-obtain book is now readily available again. All communication scholars should have this classic book on their shelves, and it also serves as a great supplementary text in communication and economics courses.
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豆瓣書評可以直接鏈空間日誌瞭,剛好我很久沒寫日誌瞭。。 一個經濟學傢的曆史學講義構成的傳播學經典著作。一本可以從任何一頁的任何一行讀起,且讀不懂的書。誠如麥剋盧漢所言:“他的每一句話都是一篇濃縮的專著。”(盡管麥剋盧漢的序我也沒怎麼看懂。。)本來這種宏大題材...
評分(罷網之虛妄,正與過濾相同。貼舊文一則。2009.06.) ——打字用的是拼音輸入法還是字形輸入法? ——提筆忘字的情況是否越來越多? ——為什麼將有趣的聊天記錄整理成文本會顯得羅嗦可笑? ——同樣內容的文字新聞和視頻新聞,你傾嚮於看哪樣? 中華文明的視覺象形,已經...
評分一、傳播媒介的兩種偏嚮 伊尼斯認為,傳播媒介可以分為兩類,一類是時間偏嚮的媒介,另一類是空間偏嚮的媒介。 所謂時間偏嚮的媒介,就是那些更適閤長時間保存信息的媒介,比如石碑、佛窟。這類傳播媒介的優勢在於能夠經受住時間的衝刷,將信息長久保存下來。不過,它也有一個...
評分但凡以文明的視角言說曆史,大都寄寓著思想者對現實的關切。湯因比作《曆史研究》,爬梳史料截止1972年,直指當代文明的錶徵;斯賓格勒更是通過文化有機體的概念,以古典文化的沒落比附西方的沒落。 伊尼斯也屬此列。較前兩者不同,伊氏更多著眼傳播之於文明興衰的意義。在浩繁...
圖書標籤: Harold_Innis 媒介 philosophy_of_technology communication
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