保罗·夏亚松(Paul Chiasson)是耶鲁大学建筑学家,对宗教建筑理论与历史研究有相当的造诣。他出生于加拿大的布雷顿角岛,是从欧洲前来北美之最早移民的直系后裔。他曾在美国的耶鲁大学、美国天主教大学和加拿大的多伦多大学执教。
The Island of Seven Cities 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
1-对废墟的挚爱与发掘,和人在重疾之中的绝望与自我救赎,是同频共振的。考古证据的梳理,读来不及作者自述给人的震动。 2-严谨之科学研究,也需要天马行空的驰想。问题关键在“大胆设想,小心求证”。作者对欧洲航海古文献和古地图的梳理,还是细致。 3-中国人发现美洲的可能...
评分一个患有爱滋病的建筑师,本来是回到故乡准备等死,死就是最后的道别,于是他与父母亲人道别后,转而与自己的故土道别,但没想到这一别就转上了山,也许是临终的人最是敏感,他突然发现小时候玩耍过的古老废墟透着一股子古代先民的味道。 他一次次的往返,一次次的怅然 他用的...
评分一个患有爱滋病的建筑师,本来是回到故乡准备等死,死就是最后的道别,于是他与父母亲人道别后,转而与自己的故土道别,但没想到这一别就转上了山,也许是临终的人最是敏感,他突然发现小时候玩耍过的古老废墟透着一股子古代先民的味道。 他一次次的往返,一次次的怅然 他用的...
评分接触这本书的契机很无厘头,仿佛就是看到这样的标题才突然有这样子的冲动捡起来一页页看过去。书的内容篇幅正好,我想如果它要是再厚一点或是再薄一点的话,我可能觉得它只是书名有意思而匆匆略过了吧。 说是篇幅正好,我觉得这本书要在中后部分开始才进入所谓的“读到了激动人...
In 2003,Paul Chiasson climbed a mountain he never explored on the island wherehe grew up. Cape Breton, one of the oldest points of explorationin the Americas, islittered with remnants of old settlements.The roadhe found that day was unique.Consistently wide and formerlybordered with stone walls, the road had been a major undertaking. For the next two years, he surveyed the history of Europeans in North America, and came to a stunning conclusion: The ruins he came upon did not belong to the Portuguese, French, or English andpre-dated John Cabot's "discovery" of the island in 1497. With aerial and site photographs, maps,drawings and his expertisein the history of architecture, Chiassonpieces together clues to one of the world's great mysteries. The Island of Seven Cities reveals the existence of a large Chinese colony that thrived on Canadian shores well before the European Age of Discovery and unveils the first tangible proof that the Chinese were in the New World before Columbus.
The Island of Seven Cities 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书