YOU CAN TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS... WITH A SIX-GUN!When gold is discovered near the little town of No-Name, Colorado, the citizens are overjoyed at their good fortune...until trouble gallops down Main Street on a horse straight out of Hell. For gold's closest companions are greed and murder, and every two-bit gunslick from the Atlantic to the Rockies is beating a path to the gold strike -- which is practically on the doorstep of Smoke Jensen. They're looking to get rich quick...and never mind how it's done.But this legendary mountain man never learned how to back away from a good fight -- and this one promises to be a whopper.Outnumbered a hundred to one, he recruits an army of his own: twenty aging but still lethal legends of the frontier in the violent sunset of their grizzled lives. One thing you can count on: There's going to be a lot of blood spilled before anyone walks away with the gold.
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