Randall Stross writes the “Digital Domain” column for the New York Times and is a professor of business at San Jose State University. He is the author of several acclaimed books, including eBoys, Planet Google, and The Wizard of Menlo Park. He has a Ph.D. in history from Stanford University.
The Launch Pad 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
对于大多数人而言,更有意义的“创业”并不是商业目的的,而是像冯大辉这句话所体现的那样,是一种对待工作的态度。 YC创业营有着严格的筛选标准,从2000多报名的创业公司中,按照3%的比例逐个筛选出了63家公司,然后格拉厄姆当着所有人的面,直截了当的说,这63家公司当中,...
评分在硅谷创业“教父”格雷厄姆眼里,创业公司已经形成一股革命性的经济力量,其分量堪与农业的诞生、城市的崛起和工业化的出现比肩。也许,格雷厄姆的判断有些受限于他的偏爱,但我们的确正在进入一个创业者群起的时代。而YC om binator(简称Y C )就是为创业者提供营养的那片知名...
评分http://www.paulgraham.com/startupmistakes.html October 2006 In the Q & A period after a recent talk, someone asked what made startups fail. After standing there gaping for a few seconds I realized this was kind of a trick question. It's equivalent to aski...
评分YC创业营投资人语录 创业者本身比他们提出的创业想法更重要。如果创业者团队拥有与成功密不可分的品质,那么再简陋的想法配上这只强大的团队也会让人刮目相看。 如果你想白手起家,极有可能会遭遇挫折。大多数创业公司都会失败,这是商业的天性。 年纪轻轻的创业者所犯的一个...
评分在硅谷创业“教父”格雷厄姆眼里,创业公司已经形成一股革命性的经济力量,其分量堪与农业的诞生、城市的崛起和工业化的出现比肩。也许,格雷厄姆的判断有些受限于他的偏爱,但我们的确正在进入一个创业者群起的时代。而YC om binator(简称Y C )就是为创业者提供营养的那片知名...
图书标签: startup 英文 business YCombinator Y. Combinator
A behind-the-scenes look at how tomorrow’s hottest startups are being primed for greatness
Investment firm Y Combinator is the most sought-after home for startups in Silicon Valley. Twice a year, it funds dozens of just-founded startups and provides three months of guidance from Paul Graham, YC’s impresario, and his partners. Receiving an offer from YC creates the opportunity of a lifetime.
Acclaimed journalist Randall Stross was granted unprecedented access to Y Combinator, enabling a unique inside tour of the world of software startups. Over the course of a summer, we watch as a group of founders scramble to make something people want.
This is the definitive story of a seismic shift in the business world, in which coding skill trumps experience, undergraduates confidently take on Goliaths, and investors fall in love.
The Launch Pad 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书