迈克尔·佩雷斯(Michael R. Peres),罗彻斯特理工学院生物医学影像传播系主任,同时也是该校摄影艺术与科学学院教授。自1986年他在罗切斯特理工学院任教以来,已出版多部著作,出席百余场成果报告讲座,并在美国、瑞典、坦桑尼亚、荷兰、德国以及澳大利亚举办摄影工作 坊。佩雷斯还是伦纳特·尼尔森奖提名委员会主席。2003年,他因杰出的教学贡献被授予艾森哈特卓越教学奖。
The Concise Focal Encyclopedia of Photography 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
小编拿到这本约3厘米的书时吓了一跳,真沉啊,随手一翻,字又特别多。不过细细看时,才发现它的特色来。 翻看目录,即可发现,本书的逻辑非常清晰,编排的顺序非常独特,总共分三大部分,二十五个章节: 第一部分:摄影的历史与演变 (多为19世纪内容) 第二部分:20世纪的拍...
评分小编拿到这本约3厘米的书时吓了一跳,真沉啊,随手一翻,字又特别多。不过细细看时,才发现它的特色来。 翻看目录,即可发现,本书的逻辑非常清晰,编排的顺序非常独特,总共分三大部分,二十五个章节: 第一部分:摄影的历史与演变 (多为19世纪内容) 第二部分:20世纪的拍...
评分 评分说起舶来品的PHOTOGRAPHY传入中国这档子事,画小照、脱影、撮影、捏影、写真等不一而足的说法曾应时而生。演化到照相、拍照、摄影,似乎已是后来的表述。一个洋文名词的西语东来,被敷衍出的各种中文译词,显然涉及到中西“摄影史”(histories of photography)的涵义。由其名...
评分摄影史的当代思考 Contemporary Thoughts on the History of Photography 格兰特·罗默(Grant B. Romer) 乔治·伊斯曼之家博物馆(George Eastman House and International Museum of Photography and Film) 如今所有摄影师从历史的角度回顾自己的专业工作,都会明白自己...
图书标签: 摄影 拍 Photography
Defining photography is impossible. Revealing it is another matter, and that's what The Concise Focal Encyclopedia of Photography does, with each turn of the page. History: The technical origins and evolution of photography are half of the story. The other half consists of the ways that cultural forces have transformed photography into a constellation of practices more diverse than any other mode of representation. Photographers can tell a more in-depth story through a photo like Dorothea Lange's "Migrant Mother" than a journalist ever could with the written word alone. Major themes and practitioners: Over 25 entries, many with supporting illustrations, examine the figures, trends, and ideas that have contributed most heavily to the history and current state of photography. Contemporary issues: The issues influencing photography today are more complex than at any other time in its history. Questions of ethics, desire, perception, digitization, and commercialization all vie for attention. Hear what the experts have to say about crucial issues such as whether or not the images we take today will last the test of time, and if so, how? When material is covered this skillfully, "concise" is no compromise. The Concise Focal Encyclopedia of Photography is packed with useful information, compelling ideas, and - best of all - pure pleasure.
The Concise Focal Encyclopedia of Photography 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书