Where do our rights come from? Does "natural law" really exist outside of what is written in constitutions and legal statutes? If so, why are rights not the same everywhere and in all eras? On the other hand, if rights are nothing more than the product of human law, why should we ever allow them to override the popular will? In Rights from Wrongs , renowned legal scholar Alan Dershowitz puts forward a wholly new and compelling answer to this age-old dilemma: Rights, he argues, do not come from God, nature, logic, or law alone. They arise out of particular human experiences with injustice. Rights from Wrongs is the first book to propose a theory of rights that emerges not from a theory of perfect justice but from its opposite: from the bottom up, from trial and error, and from our collective experience of injustice. Human rights come from human wrongs. "[Dershowitz's] underlying theory is one that can be neutrally applied by people residing at all positions within the political spectrum.... Perhaps if his views were understood by more people, there would be both a toning down of the political rhetoric." - Tampa Tribune
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By 書評之亂 時下在中國知識界,談論最多的一部電影,不是“偽文藝”的《後會無期》,不是“真無恥”的《小時代3》,甚至不是“文藝大片”《歸來》,而是一部2013年底在韓國上映的法庭片《辯護人》。這部總投資75億韓元(約4479萬人民幣)的電影,連續四周蟬聯韓國票房榜冠軍...
評分批判自然法與法律實證主義的權利理論,如筆者一般堅定的無神論者與荒唐的說理派一定會這樣論證——“上帝並不存在,上帝並不總是存在,所以這種權利來源是站不住腳的”“倘若我們的權利來源是現有法律,又是誰賦予瞭製定法律的人製定法律的權利?” 然而德肖維茨從未試圖否認這...
評分權利來自哪裏,似乎我們總是對一些與生俱來的的東西缺乏思考。在沒有遭到侵害時候,我們忽視它的存在,在即將失去之後,我們纔開始重視思考它的意義所在。這是人的本性,同時也是劣行。 《你的權利從哪裏來》大概給我們呈現瞭以下理論:權利並非來自造物主;權利並非來自自然;...
評分圖書標籤: 艾倫•德肖維茨[Alan·Dershowitz] 法律 law
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