馬剋•貝內剋(Mark Benecke),生於1970年,是一位世界著名的昆蟲學傢,擁有法醫與生物學博士學位。他不僅在美國、英國、菲律賓、越南、哥倫比亞等國的數所大學擔任客座講師與教授,同時也經常在美國聯邦調查局FBI培訓學院與“屍體農場”實驗室為警察講課。他在刑偵科學領域的突齣成績已被多傢國際性研究學院認可。
How did a piece of wood lead investigators in the Lindbergh kidnapping case to Bruno Hauptmann? Who, besides O. J. Simpson, knows something about the death of his ex-wife? And just who was the "Vampire of Dusseldorf"? These are just some of the questions Mark Benecke explores in this compelling and surprising history of criminal investigative methods and techniques. Benecke, a leading forensic scientist who is frequently called upon to help solve crimes throughout the world, takes the reader through some of the most infamous and intriguing murder investigations in the United States, Germany, and Canada. In discussions of the cases against O. J. Simpson, and others, Benecke carefully explains the ways in which police and forensic scientists gather and analyze evidence. Going beyond the media frenzy that surrounded many of these investigations, Benecke considers how science, intuition, and an occasional lucky break can lead police to the guilty party. He describes the history of forensic technology as well as forensic scientists' tricks of the trade, including DNA fingerprinting, soil analysis, and the use of facial reconstruction and pollen analysis to learn more about unidentified corpses. Murderous Methods is peppered with other fascinating stories that bring the reader closer into the minds of criminals and the ways in which criminal investigators work. Benecke introduces readers to bizarre and horrifying criminals such as Peter Kurten, "The Vampire of Dusseldorf"; Karl Denke, a cannibal and one of the earliest known serial killers in modern history; and Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka, a Canadian couple who committed a series of brutal rapes. Benecke shows that even as scientific scrutiny helps investigators to understand more about crimes and the criminals who commit them, whenever humans are involved events may go in unpredictable directions. In particular, he looks at how unreliable eyewitness accounts and public fears and prejudices have led investigators down the wrong path.
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這本書主要介紹的是德國的凶案。原以為連環殺手,變態惡魔都是美國生産的,這下改變瞭我的想法,原來德國也盛産。 最過癮的就是德國殺手卡爾登剋,把人肉吃瞭,牙齒和人皮編號登記瞭。很多案件要不是偶然的疏忽,根本就不可能破案,可以說是天衣無縫。
評分不知道原著的名字是什麼,至少現在的中文名字還是和內容有一定的差異的。 副標題:“用刑偵科學破解緻命罪案”,如果你是奔著來看各種高科技在刑偵領域的應用的話,那估計你要失望瞭。書裏提到的無非也就那少數的比較普世的DNA指紋、指紋、昆蟲學、人類學,甚至...
評分不知道原著的名字是什麼,至少現在的中文名字還是和內容有一定的差異的。 副標題:“用刑偵科學破解緻命罪案”,如果你是奔著來看各種高科技在刑偵領域的應用的話,那估計你要失望瞭。書裏提到的無非也就那少數的比較普世的DNA指紋、指紋、昆蟲學、人類學,甚至...
評分看《謀殺手段》這一類書,是不大需要太費心力的,一篇篇故事被作者馬剋·貝內剋如數傢珍地訴說著。他是刑偵科學行業的佼佼者,學富五車,見多識廣,專業經驗豐富。 每一篇凶殺案的故事,如同在看紙上CSI故事。如果我沒記錯的話,CSI的第一季第一集故事,便是因為研究人員發現...
評分首先這本書寫得很好 但並不適閤所有人 我對歐洲人以前印象很好男的很紳士 女的很直接 西方人比東方人那殘忍的程度 更勝一籌 我是女性 我不推薦女孩子讀這本書 我隻讀瞭一個故事 我本是帶著好奇 課內容 讓我永遠不敢讀第二遍 我甚至想扔掉這本書 但如果被壞人在...
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