The Moonstone 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
第二本柯林斯,第一本见之前写过的《法律与淑女》书评。毕竟代表作,《月石》的阅读体验会比《法淑》好很多,但是从我对两书的评分仅差一星就可以看出,《月石》倒也没那么的好。 依我拙见,本书的优缺点可以总结成一句话:“面面俱到却面面不到。”《月石》的结构是让故事中的...
评分使用汉王,里面收录的这个小说,因为以前读过,还觉得不错就再读了一边。 优点是从不同社会层次的人多角度看待一个人,看法迥异,这种写法在当年应该是比较新鲜的;另外一个是老仆人对鲁滨孙漂流记的解读,很有趣,给人印象深刻。 缺点是整个故事所基于的科学理论看来并不靠谱。
评分暑假看的一本书,早都已经忘记写了一些什么,只记得有印度人,有神奇的法术,还有侦探,有“善有善报恶有恶报”的结局。 印象最深的就是:这是一本教科书! 外表丑陋的女佣其实有着一颗善良的心,虽然被大家误解,但是最终还是一切真相大白,只是忘记,或是原来就不明...
评分模糊记得是小学五年级时候读的的一本书,读的很认真,所以记得很深,卑微的跛脚的女佣,为了心中伟大的爱,陷进流沙,再也不存在这个世界里,她心里平平的辽阔的爱随着夜幕深凉,融进广袤的大海。 人行走在这个错综复杂的世界,心中爱意的发枝,彼此错综,能够灵灵相犀的真的为...
Described by T.S. Eliot as "the first, the longest and the best of modern English detective novels," Wilkie Collins's classic "The Moonstone" is also an important precursor of the modern mystery and suspense genres. When Rachel Verinder's legacy of a priceless Indian diamond is stolen, all the evidence indicates that it is her beloved, Franklin Blake, who is guilty. Around this central axis of a crime and a thwarted love, Collins constructs an ingenious plot of teasing twists and surprises, and an elaborate multi-voiced narrative that never flags in human interest. A huge hit when first published and ever since, "The Moonstone" keeps the reader guessing until the end, and together with "The Woman in White" places Collins among the greatest storytellers in the English language.
The Moonstone 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书