有2003年4月4印本 精裝 15,8元
Please, sir, is this Plumfield? asked a ragged boy of the man who opened the great gate at which the omnibus left him. "Yes. Who sent you?" "Mr. Laurence. I have got a letter for the lady." "All right; go up to the house, and give it to her; she'll see to you, little chap." The man spoke pleasantly, and the boy went on, feeling much cheered by the words. Through the soft spring rain that fell on sprouting grass and budding trees, Nat saw large square house before him a hospitable-looking house, with an old-fashioned porch, wide steps, and lights shining in many win-dows. Neither curtains nor shutters hid the cheerful glimmer; and, pausing a moment before he rang, Nat saw many little shadows dancing on the walls, heard the pleasant hum of young voices, and felt that it was hardly possible that the light and warmth and comfort within could be for a homeless "little chap" like him.
Little Men 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
Was it amazing that I finished this book in a week? Wa, I couldn't believe it although there were so many words I don't know, I just went through it roughly. This is a little difficult book for me to read. The good thing is the stories are all about kids - ...
評分《小男子漢》的語言充滿童真,完完全全是兒童的口氣,一點兒也不像其他的童話,來自大人矯揉造作的模仿,就算是比利也比這樣的大人聰明百倍!書中的幽默玩笑,也同樣是帶著孩子一本正經的認真,和連自己也覺得好玩兒的可愛,沒有一點兒大人居高臨下的刻意迎閤。 讀著那一個個...
評分Was it amazing that I finished this book in a week? Wa, I couldn't believe it although there were so many words I don't know, I just went through it roughly. This is a little difficult book for me to read. The good thing is the stories are all about kids - ...
評分小男人,這樣叫其實很幽默。 喬的用心,使梅園成為瞭一個大傢庭:那兒的小男人可以犯錯,但一定會受到懲罰,並且也會有改過自新的機會;他們調皮、說粗話,但男孩女孩之間的相互促進和約束,使小男人更懂得在小婦人麵前變紳士,有禮貌;也有以大欺小,但是爸爸的諄諄教誨使他們學...
評分是否可以推薦給小學的老師看看這本書呢?? 每個孩子的性格都是不一樣的,可是中國小學的老師們卻要孩子都是一個模子走下來。。 羨慕書中的淘氣的男孩子們,可以碰到人生中那麼重要的良師益友。
Little Men 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載