Purchase one of 1st World Library's Classic Books and help support our free internet library of downloadable eBooks. Visit us online at www.1stWorldLibrary.ORG - - WHEN Farmer Oak smiled, the corners of his mouth spread till they were within an unimportant distance of his ears, his eyes were reduced to chinks, and diverging wrinkles appeared round them, exten- ding upon his countenance like the rays in a rudimentary sketch of the rising sun. His Christian name was Gabriel, and on working days he was a young man of sound judgment, easy motions, proper dress, and general good character. On Sundays he was a man of misty views, rather given to post- poning, and hampered by his best clothes and umbrella: upon the whole, one who felt himself to occupy morally that vast middle space of Laodicean neutrality which lay between the Communion people of the parish and the drunken section, - that is, he went to church, but yawned privately by the time the congregation reached the Nicene creed, and thought of what there would be for dinner when he meant to be listening to the sermon. Or, to state his character as it stood in the scale of public opinion, when his friends and critics were in tantrums, he was considered rather a bad man; when they were pleased, he was rather a good man; when they were neither, he was a man whose moral colour was a kind of pepper-and-salt mixture.
Far From the Madding Crowd 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
最開始的兩個人還是走到瞭一起。但是,那不是愛情。隻是經曆磨難之後的相偎相依。尋求一種精神和心理上的安穩依靠。 還好他們不是生活在21世紀。沒有物欲橫流和燈火斑斕作為誘餌。過的也是一種放羊般的生活,擁有最基本的物質滿足,反倒是最強大最富有的精神享受。 這本書告誡...
評分 評分很少有作傢像哈代先生那樣不知疲倦地描寫自己的故鄉,英格蘭的多塞剋郡。廣闊的原野,成群的牛羊,高山、深榖、森林、溪水.......仿佛古老的威塞剋斯地區是英格蘭的地理樣本。鄉村生活中,季節就像是自然調色闆上的不同色彩,時間就是畫筆。所有的房屋,無數的道路,蓬勃...
評分摘: 哈代在《遠離塵囂》中說:“愛情、生命和人類的一切在和狂怒的宇宙緊緊地並列在一起的時候就顯得微不足道瞭。” 長的是人生,短的是愛慕。 他在另一部小說《德伯傢的苔絲》中說,“凡是有甜美的鳥歌唱的地方,也就有毒蛇嘶嘶地叫”
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