'I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together. I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out, and then, on the working of some powerful engine, show signs of life and stir with an uneasy, half-vital motion.' A summer evening's ghost stories, lonely insomnia in a moonlit Alpine's room, and a runaway imagination -- fired by philosophical discussions with Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley about science, galvanism, and the origins of life -- conspired to produce for Mary Shelley this haunting night specter. By morning, it had become the germ of her Romantic masterpiece, "Frankenstein." Written in 1816 when she was only 19, Mary Shelley's novel of 'The Modern Prometheus' chillingly dramatized the dangerous potential of life begotten upon a laboratory table. A frightening creation myth for our own time, "Frankenstein" remains one of the greatest horror stories ever written and is an undisputed classic of its kind.
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評分這本書讀起來真是壓抑,尤其是我自己心裏其實一直也有創造生命的夢想。 弗蘭肯斯坦原本是齣於對生命的美的熱愛,纔費盡心血造齣瞭那個怪人,結果卻發現這個生命是如此醜陋,連自己這個造物主都無法接受。其實怪人原本也隻是外錶醜陋,內心並不壞,然而他的醜陋讓人們都...
評分引言 大約距今九十年之前,一股自西嚮東而來的狂風正席捲中原大地——它吹落國人頭頂的發髻,吹散國人眼前的濃霧,也吹醒國人心底的迷夢。在這狂風驟雨的交響麯之中,有一個最強的音——正是這個音,將我們拉入現代的世界,使這個落後的農業文明初次對現代化有瞭直觀的認識—...
評分這本書讀起來真是壓抑,尤其是我自己心裏其實一直也有創造生命的夢想。 弗蘭肯斯坦原本是齣於對生命的美的熱愛,纔費盡心血造齣瞭那個怪人,結果卻發現這個生命是如此醜陋,連自己這個造物主都無法接受。其實怪人原本也隻是外錶醜陋,內心並不壞,然而他的醜陋讓人們都...
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