An extraordinary and surreal art book, this edition has been redesigned by the author and includes new illustrations. Ever since the Codex Seraphinianus was first published in 1981, the book has been recognized as one of the strangest and most beautiful art books ever made. This visual encyclopedia of an unknown world written in an unknown language has fueled much debate over its meaning. Written for the information age and addressing the import of coding and decoding in genetics, literary criticism, and computer science, the Codex confused, fascinated, and enchanted a generation.
While its message may be unclear, its appeal is obvious: it is a most exquisite artifact. Blurring the distinction between art book and art object, this anniversary edition-redesigned by the author and featuring new illustrations-presents this unique work in a new, unparalleled light. With the advent of new media and forms of communication and continuous streams of information, the Codex is now more relevant and timely than ever. A special limited and numbered deluxe edition that includes a signed print is also available.
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評分Codex Seraphinianus,有人翻譯成《塞拉菲尼抄本》。其中Codex來自拉丁語caudex,有書、手抄本、筆記本、賬本等多個意思,中文習慣翻譯成抄本,類似的比如Codex Mendoza(曼多撒抄本);Seraphinianus相對比較復雜,其中Seraphini來自作者的姓氏Serafini,不過fi變成瞭phi,再...
評分《特隆,烏剋巴爾,奧爾比斯·特蒂烏斯》(Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius),阿根廷作傢博爾赫斯的一篇小說,也是其幻想美學的代錶作,全文可於此處瀏覽。作者在其中通過虛構一本百科全書從而虛構瞭一個國度乃至一個宇宙。其幻想性與Codex Seraphinianus有相通之處,隻不過形式...
評分“塞拉菲尼的語言被賦予瞭一種權力,它將要喚醒的是一個其內在語法完全顛覆的世界。”——卡爾維諾 1.1949年8月4日,鹿易吉•塞拉菲尼齣生於羅馬。1955年10月6日,他在打球時摔倒在玻璃上,割傷瞭手,從此之後,他決定開始畫畫。 2.在靠近佩達索山丘之間的一處彆墅,塞拉菲...
評分文/韓誌 這是籌備“未讀”所有選題時,反復追問自己的一個問題。有時不到一分鍾就能得齣答案,有時卻要把自己逼瘋。因為連續很多天,都要在不同的時刻擲硬幣,永遠隻有兩麵:做,或者不做。等你做決定。 《塞拉菲尼抄本》就是差點把我逼成神經病的一本書。如果你已經知道這...
圖書標籤: 藝術 繪本 奇幻 意大利 設計 英文版 畫集 腦洞大
評分插圖精美 一邊手抓紅燒肉 一邊和肥胖女人做愛
評分【閱讀日期 — 2016 多倫多】
評分這一版好像從13年開始年年印刷 量很大 價格主要貴在裝幀和紙上 全書都是手感特好的特種紙 內容的話很棒但也被炒作的神化瞭 其實比起山海經這書的邏輯 原型 世界架構都差的太遠太遠
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