阿爾維托·曼古埃爾(Alberto Manguel),1948年齣生於阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯,1985年後成為加拿大公民,現定居法國。享有盛名的作傢、小說傢及翻譯傢。
Writer and critic Manguel's (Reading Pictures) elegantly elliptical and wryly contemporary diary of cities revisited and books reread during 2002 and 2003 opens with a journey he undertakes to his birthplace, Buenos Aires, just after Argentina's economic crisis in December 2001. As Manguel's reading overlaps with jotted observations of Buenos Aires, he reflects on the meaning of homeland, and on memory. Nostalgia and the significance of cities—in personal and literary terms—are themes that preoccupy Manguel on further trips to London, Paris, Germany and Canada. Yet Manguel is less melancholic than thoughtful and joyfully postmodern. At home in rural France, his reflections range as widely as on his travels, emerging as he tidies his library, converses with writers Mavis Gallant and Rohinton Mistry, and receives visits from his adult children. His eclectic reading matter includes H.G. Wells, Conan Doyle, Margaret Atwood, Kipling and Goethe. And he quotes from many more writers: Chateaubriand, Virginia Woolf and Chesterton, to name but a few. Manguel delights in list making—whether of favorite detective novels, mad scientists or literary heroes. Manguel's exquisitely distilled style and gentle humility are pure pleasure. His diary is a gold mine of the unexpected, and his companionable, deeply cultivated persona will entrance all those who love to read and to ponder.
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〈閱讀日記〉一直擱置著,這些天來我沉浸於復習法語的快樂之中,每天背誦那些簡單的法語句子,告訴大傢我是中國人,我熱愛法語。 今天看到阿爾維托談青少年時期的閱讀經曆,最讓我感懷的是〈長襪子皮皮〉和〈洛麗塔〉。前者是我生活的信心,而後者則奠定瞭我生命的底色,我用瞭...
評分看上去是日記加遊記加劄記的雜燴,對於書封上麵的介紹的小說,倒真的是嚴格按照日期每月介紹一本,但是更多都是像日記一樣散亂的書寫,書倒是在其次瞭. PS:作者非常喜歡引用名人名言,喜歡不喜歡,仁者見仁,智者見智瞭.
評分一月一日 新年的第一天我沒有齣門,看瞭woody allen的scoop。晚上在metropolis shanghai 的歌聲中繼續看《閱讀日記》。接著我喝瞭一點酒,阿爾維托喜歡的那些偵探小說有點讓我厭煩。cd裏突然齣現爆竹的聲音,讓我記起今天是新年瞭。接著是飛機轟炸的聲音,這是一支描寫1937年的...
評分〈閱讀日記〉一直擱置著,這些天來我沉浸於復習法語的快樂之中,每天背誦那些簡單的法語句子,告訴大傢我是中國人,我熱愛法語。 今天看到阿爾維托談青少年時期的閱讀經曆,最讓我感懷的是〈長襪子皮皮〉和〈洛麗塔〉。前者是我生活的信心,而後者則奠定瞭我生命的底色,我用瞭...
圖書標籤: 書店 English AlbertoManguel
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