理查德•普雷斯頓(RICHARD PRESTON,1954— ),美國非虛構作傢,《紐約客》撰稿人。他在普林斯頓大學獲得瞭英文博士學位,師從著名的非虛構作傢約翰•麥剋菲。普雷斯頓擅長以非虛構手法,處理科學題材。1984年,他齣版瞭首部非虛構作品《第一道光》,這本天文學題材的書獲得瞭美國物理學學會的科學寫作奬。十年後,普雷斯頓推齣瞭另一部科學寫作經典《血疫》,這本描寫埃博拉病毒緣起的作品獲得瞭巨大的成功,長踞《紐約時報》非虛構類暢銷書榜首達61周。普雷斯頓因此獲得瞭美國疾病控製與預防中心頒發的防疫鬥士奬,他也是有史以來唯一以非醫師身分獲奬的得主。
A highly infectious, deadly virus from the central African rain forest suddenly appears in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. There is no cure. In a few days 90 percent of its victims are dead. A secret military SWAT team of soldiers and scientists is mobilized to stop the outbreak of this exotic "hot" virus. The Hot Zone tells this dramatic story, giving a hair-raising account of the
appearance of rare and lethal viruses and their "crashes" into the human race. Shocking, frightening, and impossible to ignore, The Hot Zone proves that truth really is scarier than fiction.
From the Paperback edition.
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《血疫:埃博拉的故事》—裏查德•普雷斯頓 ????從一定意義上說,地球正在啓動對人類的免疫反應。它開始對人類這種寄生生物做齣反應,人類的泛濫仿佛感染,混凝土的壞死點遍布全球,歐洲、日本和美國猶如癌癥的爛肉,擠滿瞭不停復製的靈長類動物,人類群落無限擴張和蔓延,很...
評分第一次讀這本書就讓我堅定瞭學醫的念頭,到現在這個風口浪尖上,從武漢迴傢十天,唯一齣門就是每晚九點圍著樓跑三公裏的我,又翻開瞭這本書。 多少年過去瞭,我們馴化物種,我們選擇物種,我們把蘋果都培養成又紅又大甚至不會變色,但是我們沒有改變自身的bad code。人類社會或...
評分 評分圖書標籤: 英文 存 2020
If you ask a person, “what were you thinking?” you may get an answer that is richer and more revealing of the human condition than any stream of thoughts a novelist could invent.
評分If you ask a person, “what were you thinking?” you may get an answer that is richer and more revealing of the human condition than any stream of thoughts a novelist could invent.
評分If you ask a person, “what were you thinking?” you may get an answer that is richer and more revealing of the human condition than any stream of thoughts a novelist could invent.
評分If you ask a person, “what were you thinking?” you may get an answer that is richer and more revealing of the human condition than any stream of thoughts a novelist could invent.
評分If you ask a person, “what were you thinking?” you may get an answer that is richer and more revealing of the human condition than any stream of thoughts a novelist could invent.
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