Book Cover......Page 1
Title......Page 4
Copyright......Page 5
Contents......Page 6
Foreword......Page 8
Introduction......Page 10
Part I: Social and cultural studies of biomedicine......Page 24
1 Medicalizing culture(s) or culturalizing medicine(s)......Page 26
2 Metaphors of medicine and the culture of healing: Historical perspectives......Page 44
3 Medicine as practice and culture: The analysis of border regimes and the necessity of a hermeneutics of physical bodies......Page 56
Part II: Epistemic practices and material culture(s)......Page 68
4 The future is now: Locating biomarkers for dementia......Page 70
5 Embodied action, enacted bodies: The example of hypoglycaemia......Page 96
6 Sociotechnical anatomy: Technology, space, and body in the MRI unit......Page 118
7 Risk and safety in the operating theater: An ethnographic study of sociotechnical practices......Page 132
Part III: Biomedical knowledge in context......Page 148
8 Genomic susceptibility as an emergent form of life?: Genetic testing, identity, and the remit of medicine......Page 150
9 Susceptible individuals and risky rights: Dimensions of genetic responsibility......Page 160
10 “Pop genes”: An investigation of “the gene” in popular parlance......Page 176
11 Genetics and its publics: Crafting genetic literacy and identity in the early twenty-first century......Page 200
12 Constructing the digital patient: Patient organizations and the development of health websites......Page 214
Epilogue: Indeterminate lives, demands, relations: Emergent bioscapes......Page 232
Contributors......Page 238
Index......Page 244
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