(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed)
Of all Jane Austen’s great and delightful novels, Persuasion is widely regarded as the most moving. It is the story of a second chance.
Anne Elliot, daughter of the snobbish, spendthrift Sir Walter Elliot, is a woman of quiet charm and deep feelings. When she was nineteen, she fell in love with–and was engaged to–a naval officer, the fearless and headstrong Captain Wentworth. But the young man had no fortune, and Anne allowed herself to be persuaded, against her profoundest instinct, to give him up.Now, at twenty-seven, and believing that she has lost her bloom, Anne is startled to learn that Captain Wentworth has returned to the neighborhood, a rich man and still unwed. Her never-diminished love is muffled by her pride. He seems cold and unforgiving. Even worse, he appears to be infatuated by the flighty and pretty Louisa Musgrove.
What happens as Anne and Wentworth are thrown together in the social world of Bath–and as an eager new suitor appears for Anne–is touchingly and wittily told in a masterpiece that is also one of the most entrancing novels in the English language.
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今天我收到瞭新訂的阿加莎.剋裏斯蒂(阿婆)化名Mary Westmacott的非偵探作品集。第一篇叫Absent in the Spring。不知道如何翻譯,春日離意?還是春日遲遲?翻開來讀瞭幾行,便仿佛掛上ipod,任一道類乎奧黛麗.赫本的柔暖女聲輕撫耳膜,靜靜為我念 書,不是彆的,正是簡.奧斯丁...
評分作為一名中年阿姨,我來告訴你們這本小說的價值。 因為風靡的原因,大傢對奧斯丁小說的印象往往産生誤解,最容易把它們歸結為“女性小說”,以為它們講的是浪漫愛情故事,它們的受眾多是憧憬浪漫愛情的少女。實則不然,奧斯丁的故事錶麵上的確是在講紳士淑女們如何相識、戀愛,...
評分《勸導》是簡·奧斯汀一生中最後完成的小說。當時她已因某種不明原因的慢性絕癥去往巴思地區做礦泉水治療,但礦泉水療效欠佳,她離開人世時纔四十歲。所以《勸導》一書中部分情節發生在巴思,巴思吵鬧而喧嘩的人世裏蘊含著某種生命的活力,她說。 沒落的準貴族傢有三個...
評分最近跟奧斯汀乾上瞭,先是看瞭電影《Becoming Jane》和《The Jane Austen Book Club》,前者雖說是奧斯汀的傳記,但來得遠不如《傲慢與偏見》爽快,這也充分證明瞭一件事:生活遠不如文藝作品更加豐富多彩。《簡·奧斯汀書友會》其實跟奧斯汀拉扯不上多大關係,幾個不同年齡,...
圖書標籤: 英文 簡·奧斯丁 已購 小說 Jane Austen
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