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The Sense of Wonder


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蕾切爾•卡森(Rachel Carson,1907-1964)


The Sense of Wonder pdf epub mobi 圖書描述

First published more than three decades ago, this reissue of Rachel Carson's award-winning classic brings her unique vision to a new generation of readers. Stunning new photographs by Nick Kelsh beautifully complement Carson's intimate account of adventures with her young nephew, Roger, as they enjoy walks along the rocky coast of Maine and through dense forests and open fields, observing wildlife, strange plants, moonlight and storm clouds, and listening to the "living music" of insects in the underbrush. "If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder." Writes Carson, "he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in." The Sense of Wonder is a refreshing antidote to indifference and a guide to capturing the simple power of discovery that Carson views as essential to life. In her insightful new introduction, Linda Lear remembers Rachel Carson's groundbreaking achievements in the context of the legendary environmentalist's personal commitment to introducing young and old to the miracles of nature. Kelsh's lush photographs inspire sensual, tactile reactions: masses of leaves floating in a puddle are just waiting to be scooped up and examined more closely. An image of a narrow path through the trees evokes the earthy scent of the woods after a summer rain. Close-ups of mosses and miniature lichen fantasy-lands will spark innocent'as well as more jaded'imaginations. Like a curious child studying things underfoot and within reach, Kelsh's camera is drawn to patterns in nature that too often elude hurried adults'a stand of beech trees in the springtime, patches of melting snow and the ripples from a pebble tossed into a slow-moving stream. The Sense of Wonder is a timeless volume that will be passed on from children to grandchildren, as treasured as the memory of an early-morning walk when the song of a whippoorwill was heard as if for the first time.

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感謝雷切爾·卡森的《驚奇之心》這本書,它讓我感慨萬韆,也讓我浮想聯翩。在我自己的成長過程中,關於自然、關於探險,我的童年記憶裏是一片空白。 當我自己成為母親,就一直想彌補自己童年的缺憾。 盡管是在現代都市裏養育著自己的兩個閨女,而我就想和她們一起,帶著好奇,...  


莫聽穿林打葉聲,何妨吟嘯且徐行。 竹杖芒鞋輕勝馬,誰怕?一蓑煙雨任平生。 ——蘇軾《定風波》 雨中漫步一嚮是文人墨客喜歡錶現的一種浪漫情懷,而森林的雨景則另有一番特彆的韻緻。雷切爾·卡森在她的《驚奇之心》一書中寫到,“我一嚮...  




十一年前,在愛爾蘭的都柏林海灣,我遇見一對特殊的看海人。 那該是一對母子吧? 一個鬍子拉碴、衣衫不整的中年男人,扶著一個穿黑袍的老嫗,從一輛破爛不堪的轎車下來,緩緩走嚮海灘。中年男人彎著腰,耷拉著腦袋,步態疲遝;老嫗則努力昂著頭,將身體拔得直直的,緩緩而行,...  

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作者:Rachel Carson
價格:USD 26.99

圖書標籤: 自然  RachelCarson  隨筆  輕聲靜閱  科幻  GW   

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according to RC, human emotions and senses are the “fertile soil” that nurtures a love of nature: If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow. My dear are very much in luck and in for the greatest treat! NATURE!


according to RC, human emotions and senses are the “fertile soil” that nurtures a love of nature: If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow. My dear are very much in luck and in for the greatest treat! NATURE!




according to RC, human emotions and senses are the “fertile soil” that nurtures a love of nature: If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow. My dear are very much in luck and in for the greatest treat! NATURE!

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