迪恩•雷丁博士(Dean Radin, PhD)是加州博塔盧瑪智力研究所實驗室主任。十年來,他在貝爾實驗室和通用電話電子公司實驗室工作,研究先進的通訊係統。近二十年來,他在普林斯頓大學、愛丁堡大學、內華達大學和區間研究所、邊界研究所斯坦福國際研究所三大矽榖智囊團研究心理現象。在斯坦福,他為美國政府精密分類研究心理現象。雷丁以前寫過三部書,包括獲奬作品《意識宇宙》。雷丁博士應邀在全世界各地舉行心理現象講座。例如,哈佛、普林斯頓、劍橋卡文迪什實驗室、英國科學促進聯盟、美國統計協會、葡萄牙裏斯本醫學會、倫敦皇傢藝術協會。
《意識宇宙》 (THE CONSCIOUS UNIVERSE )已經八次再版,在亞馬遜網站名列暢銷榜首,此後一直名列前二十位。《意識宇宙》 (THE CONSCIOUS UNIVERSE )獲得科學和醫學網(Scientific and Medical Network )1997年圖書奬,1997年語言學最佳圖書奬。
Holding up such anomalies as ESP, psychokinesis, prayer, near-death experiences, and reincarnation under the cool light of scientific scrutiny can be a daunting task. Dean Radin, director of the Consciousness Research Laboratory at the University of Nevada, rises to the challenge in the pioneering and exhaustively researched The Conscious Universe. Fans of The X-Files will need no further convincing, but for the remaining skeptics, this easy-to-read mix of history, scientific evidence, and proclamations ("When modern science began about three hundred years ago, one of the consequences of separating mind and matter was that science slowly lost its mind.") will authenticate the existence of psychic phenomena.
Radin creates two categories: the perceiving of objects or events beyond our ordinary sense capabilities and the triggering or influencing of action through mental powers. Radin aims to present simply and clearly the basic elements from science, psychology, and physics that prove the existence psychic phenomena. Given the tacit acceptance of psychic phenomena as "real," why do both government and mainstream science repudiate the claims and the evidence, yet continue to exploit them?
The Conscious Universe challenges our most basic assumptions about reality, those that exist in both the upper echelons of science and in the basic daily interactions. It’s a mind-bending exploration of how and what we see.
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一口氣讀完,非常解惑。 邏輯非常清晰,數據也非常詳實,采用瞭元分析(meta-analysis)的方法來迴顧超心理學的文獻。說實話,在眾多同行評審期刊文獻中,這本書中引用的論文的確是非常嚴密的。 如果你沒有係統學過統計學、尤其是正態分布和假設檢驗,那其中很多數據讀起來可能...
評分一口氣讀完,非常解惑。 邏輯非常清晰,數據也非常詳實,采用瞭元分析(meta-analysis)的方法來迴顧超心理學的文獻。說實話,在眾多同行評審期刊文獻中,這本書中引用的論文的確是非常嚴密的。 如果你沒有係統學過統計學、尤其是正態分布和假設檢驗,那其中很多數據讀起來可能...
圖書標籤: 思維 parapsychology, Radin, ESP Dean 心理 Psi Parapsychology
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