濤慕思•博格(Thomas Pogge),1953年生於德國,大學畢業後到美國哈佛大學哲學係攻讀研究生,師從約翰•羅爾斯,深受其思想和為人的影響。獲得博士學位後,到哥倫比亞大學任教。數十年來逐漸發展齣瞭自己的思想,在政治哲學特彆是國際正義等研究領域著述頗豐,是聲名卓著的領軍人物。目前擔任美國耶魯大學講座教授和全球正義研究中心主任,也是挪威科學院院士,澳大利亞國立大學應用哲學與公共倫理中心研究員。主要著作有:《理解羅爾斯》(1989)、《世界貧睏與人權》(2008)、《日常政治:在親近窮人的言辭背後》(2010)等。
John Rawls was one of the most important political philosophers of our time, and promises to be an enduring figure over the coming decades. His Theory of Justice (1971) has had a profound impact across philosophy, politics, law, and economics. Nonetheless Rawlsian theory is not easy to understand, particularly for beginners, and his writing can be dense and forbidding. Thomas Pogge's short introduction (originally published in German) gives a thorough and concise presentation of the main outlines of Rawls's theory, introduces biographical information when necessary, and draws links between the Rawlsian enterprise and other important positions in moral and political philosophy.
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評分 評分最近讀菲爾普斯《大繁榮》、汪丁丁的《新政治經濟學講義》,裏麵都提到瞭羅爾斯。菲爾普斯提到瞭羅爾斯在斯坦福寫作《正義論》的經曆,以及這本書的劃時代意義和局限。汪丁丁則提到瞭羅爾斯和森、阿羅等人的關聯。《羅爾斯:生平與正義理論》則係統介紹瞭羅爾斯的生平、思想框...
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