罗伯特·诺齐克(Robert Nozick,1938-2002) 二十世纪最广为人知、影响最大的哲学家之一,美国哈佛大学教授。因1974年出版第一本著作《无政府,国家和乌托邦》(Anarchy, state, and utopia)一举成名。该书获得美国国家图书奖,并被评为二战后最有影响力的一百本书之一。
另著有《哲学解释》(Philosophical Explanations,1981)、《被省察的人生:哲学沉思》(The Examined Life: Philosophical Meditations,1989)、《个人选择的规范理论》(The Normative Theory of Individual Choice,1990)、《理性的本质》(The Nature of Rationality,1993)、《苏格拉底的困惑》(Socratic Puzzles,1997)、《恒常:客观世界的基本结构》(Invariances: the Structure of Objective World,2001)等,涉及哲学、政治学、伦理学等多个领域。
Anarchy, State, and Utopia 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分(题目剽窃自理查德·罗蒂) 一 困境 洛克的政治哲学起源于这样的假设:人对于其自身有绝对的、唯一的统治权。对这个假设的弱解释是,人生而平等、自由、独立,没有人可以高人一等。这个解释目前看来是没有任何一个政治理论敢于明目张胆地否定的(但暗中的、无意识的否定层出...
评分看了20几页,个人感觉的的确确没有正义论说得在理,多数论证有点像强盗一样,我说对就对,而且有点小孩子逞口舌之快之感,反正读来颇感失望 发错地方,发到书评里来了。。
图书标签: 文化研究、哲學理論 Robert_Nozick Philosophy PP 1、政治学、人类学与社会科学
Winner of the 1975 National Book Award, this classic work is updated for the first time in 30 years Anarchy, State, and Utopia is a foundational text in classical liberal thought, in which Robert Nozick created the intellectual underpinnings for what is now known as libertarianism. In his exhortation to limit the state to only the most minimal possible role, Nozick stirred tremendous controversy in an era predisposed to look to government as the solution to social injustice. When originally published in 1974, Anarchy, State, and Utopia was dismissed by many scholars as nothing more than a paean to the bourgeois status quo. But American politics have changed dramatically since then. Anarchy, State, and Utopia has become ever more relevant since the country has caught up with Nozick's ideas--as Clinton proclaimed, "the era of big government is over." With fierce argumentation and meticulous logic, Robert Nozick gave birth to a new way of thinking about the relationship between the citizen and the state.
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