安東尼•吉登斯(Anthony Giddens,1938- ),當代著名社會學傢和政治思想傢,政體齣版社(Polity Press)的創立者之一,曾任英國劍橋大學社會學教授及倫敦政治經濟學院(LSE)院長。吉登斯無疑是當今世界最重要的思想傢之一,被譽為英國前首相布萊爾的“精神導師”。他把有關"現代性"、"全球化"等問題的研究推到瞭全球學術研究的前沿,他和布萊爾提齣的"第三條道路"則深刻影響瞭20世紀末葉全球政治發展的方嚮。
Europe's social model – its system of welfare and social protection – is regarded by many as the jewel in the crown. It is what helps to give the European societies their distinctive qualities of social cohesion and care for the vulnerable. Over recent years, however, the social model has come under great strain in many states within the European Union – unemployment, for example, remains stubbornly high. The resulting tensions have fuelled dissatisfaction with the European project as a whole, culminating in the rejection of Europe's proposed new constitution. Reform of the social model is therefore a matter of urgency. It has to go hand in hand with the quest to regenerate economic growth. The weaker performers in Europe over the past few years can learn a good deal from states that have coped more effectively. But more radical changes need to be contemplated in the face of the impact of globalization, rapidly increasing cultural diversity and changing demography. The author argues that the traditional welfare state needs to be rethought. We have to bring lifestyle change into the heart of what welfare means. Moreover, environmental issues must be directly connected to other citizenship obligations. These innovations have to be made at the same time as Europes competitive position is upgraded. This original and path-breaking book will rank alongside Beyond Left and Right, The Third Way and other works by Anthony Giddens that have helped reshape social and political thinking over recent decades.
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全球時代如何烘培福利奶酪 書名:全球時代的歐洲 作者:(英)安東尼·吉登斯 齣版者:上海譯文齣版社 齣版時間:2015年1月 ???? 文心 歐洲的福利製度始終處於變動不居之中,一方麵著手解決問題,一方麵又滋生新的問題,各國福利製度因政治和經濟形勢變化而搖擺。 優...
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評分全球時代如何烘培福利奶酪 書名:全球時代的歐洲 作者:(英)安東尼·吉登斯 齣版者:上海譯文齣版社 齣版時間:2015年1月 ???? 文心 歐洲的福利製度始終處於變動不居之中,一方麵著手解決問題,一方麵又滋生新的問題,各國福利製度因政治和經濟形勢變化而搖擺。 優...
評分全球時代如何烘培福利奶酪 書名:全球時代的歐洲 作者:(英)安東尼·吉登斯 齣版者:上海譯文齣版社 齣版時間:2015年1月 ???? 文心 歐洲的福利製度始終處於變動不居之中,一方麵著手解決問題,一方麵又滋生新的問題,各國福利製度因政治和經濟形勢變化而搖擺。 優...
評分積極福利下的新歐洲 2015年03月14日 星期六 新京報分享: 《全球時代的歐洲》 作者:(英)安東尼·吉登斯(Anthony Giddens) 潘華淩 譯 齣版社:上海譯文齣版社 2015年1月 吉登斯宏觀概覽瞭歐洲福利國傢的得失,探討瞭當代社會變化産生的新問題及其對福利製度提...
圖書標籤: 社會學 歐洲 europe
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