Charles Tilly (May 27, 1929 – April 29, 2008[1]) was an American sociologist, political scientist, and historian who wrote on the relationship between politics and society. He was the Joseph L. Buttenwieser Professor of Social Science at Columbia University.
Sidney Tarrow (PhD, Berkeley, 1965) is the Emeritus Maxwell M. Upson Professor of Government at Cornell University. Tarrow has his BA from Syracuse, his MA from Columbia, and his PhD from Berkeley. His work has covered a variety of interests, beginning with Italian communism (his first book was Peasant Communism in Southern Italy (Yale, 1967), then shifting to comparative communism in Communism in Italy and France (Princeton 1972, ed., with Donald L.M. Blackmer. In the 1970s he made a long foray into comparative local politics (Between Center and Periphery, Yale 1978), before, in the 1980s, turning to a quantitative and qualitative reconstruction of Italian protest cycle of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, in Democracy and Disorder (Oxford, 1989), which received the prize for the best book in Collective Behavior and Social Movements from the American Sociological Association. His most recent books are Power in Movement (Cambridge, 1994, 1998), Dynamics of Contention (with Doug McAdam and Charles Tilly, Cambridge, 2001), Contentious Europeans (with Doug Imig, Rowman and Littlefield 2001), Transnational Protest and Global Activism (with Donatella della Porta, Rowman and Littlefield 2004), The New Transnational Activism (Cambridge 2005) and Contentious Politics (with Charles Tilly, Paradigm, 2006).
Revolutions, social movements, religious and ethnic conflict, nationalism and civil rights, and transnational movements: these forms of contentious politics combine in Charles Tilly's and Sidney Tarrow's Contentious Politics. The book presents a set of analytical tools and procedures for study, comparison, and explanation of these very different sorts of contention. Drawing on many historical and contemporary cases, the book shows that similar principles describe and explain a wide variety of struggles as well as many more routine forms of politics. Tilly and Tarrow have written the book to introduce readers to an exciting new program of political and sociological analysis.
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評分摘自《上海交通大學學報》 作者:謝嶽 曹開雄 社會抗爭行為是所有社會類型中的一種普遍現象,也是任何政治製度類型所難以避免的現象,它與人類共同體的生活朝夕相處、相伴相隨。社會抗爭與人類社會的這種共生性引起瞭人們的廣泛興趣。人們想知道,人類的集體行為究竟根...
圖書標籤: 社會學 社會運動 政治社會學 比較政治 社會運動 政治學 抗爭政治 social.movement
評分比Dynamics of Contention(中譯本錯譯為鬥爭的動力)更簡潔、易懂,澄清瞭其中的模糊不清之處,更注重“機製”的概念和可操作性。有中譯本,但建議盡可能讀英文
評分不知道學界有沒有統計過社會學領域創造常用概念最多的是誰。至少從我目前粗淺見識來看,Tilly在這個榜單上絕對能排前十。用各種框架、概念和approach去研究不同種類的抗爭政治(包括抗議示威和社會運動、革命、內戰等),提齣“政治機會”和“民主/去民主化”兩個大主題,認為“民主/去民主化”造成不同的政權結構、國傢能力、精英平民權力對比和政治認同的組閤與衝突,釋放齣不同的政治機會,再通過不同機製造成不同的抗爭政治模式。Tilly的野心比Jeff Goodwin更大,要提齣一套宏觀性的,可以解釋一切抗爭政治生發過程和細節的機製和框架和概念,把這本書寫成給抗爭政治研究者的入門指南和詞匯手冊。不過明顯用力過度,每章的概念、圖錶讓人眼花繚亂,到最後一章的整閤也是溫吞水一般。
評分比Dynamics of Contention(中譯本錯譯為鬥爭的動力)更簡潔、易懂,澄清瞭其中的模糊不清之處,更注重“機製”的概念和可操作性。有中譯本,但建議盡可能讀英文
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