The fun starts here and now! These super silly riddles will have you snorting and chuckling! You won't stop laughing out loud, even in school! What do you call a fish without an eye? A: a fish! What do you call pigs that drive vans? A: Squeals on wheels. Why did the computer hacker refuse to kill spiders? A: He needed the web sites. What tree catches the most diseases? A: Sycamore. What do you call a book with the most hilarious side-splitters ever? A: Super Silly Riddles (of course!) *500 jokes arranged by theme: Asleep at the Switch - Beating around the Bush - Cracking up - Wits end - Gags to riches - April fool - Monkey business - Out on a limb - Rib ticklers - Tickled pink - *500-entry index of subjects so you can easily find a joke on any subject.
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Super Silly Riddles 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載