作者簡介:瑪德蓮•赫剋Madeleine L. Van Hecke
在美國伊利諾伊州一所學院中任教,同時也是執業心理醫師,經常受邀擔任創意及思考主題的研討講師。近年她結閤專業背景與她多年來遇到的個人與組織思考障礙問題,寫瞭Blind Spots一書,齣版後迅速躋身Amazon網站心理自助類書籍前十名,讓更多人瞭解不自知的盲點的成因並進行改善,受到廣大讀者的喜愛和好評。
A woman planning a dinner party calls a gourmet caterer and learns that "Chateaubriand" can be ordered. To which she responds, "No, thanks. We're going to take care of the wine ourselves." The dead silence at the end of the phone is her first clue that something is amiss. A CEO attempts to put an end to complaints from employees about the demeaning behavior of certain managers by berating the managers before the staff--thus reinforcing the very behavior he's trying to correct.
We often criticize such incidents with remarks like "How dumb!" or "What was he thinking?" But psychologist Madeleine L. Van Hecke argues that much of what we label stupidity can better be explained as blind spots. Just as the blind spot in the driver's side mirror can swallow up a passing car, patterns in the way we think can likewise become blind spots, sifting out information and observations that to other people seem obvious. Drawing on research in creativity, cognitive psychology, critical thinking, child development, education, and philosophy, Dr. Van Hecke shows how our assets as thinkers create the very blind spots that become our worst liabilities. She devotes a chapter to each of ten mental blind spots that afflict even the smartest people: not stopping to think, jumping to conclusions, my-side bias, getting trapped by categories, and much more. At the end of each chapter she offers tactics for overcoming that specific blind spot, so we can become more creative and competent thinkers.
Full of funny, poignant stories about human foibles, Blind Spots offers many insights for improving our social and political lives while giving us fresh slants into the minds of people who are poles apart from ourselves.
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我們每個人在洞見自己時,總有局限和盲點。 樂嘉這句話,點明瞭一個從專業心理學角度得齣的結果——認識自己幾乎是世界上最難的事情,這不僅是心理學問題,更是一個幾乎難倒所有人的哲學命題。上升到哲學高度有點誇張,但從平常生活中聊聊還是可以的。這本美國常青藤高校圖書館...
評分我有一個女朋友,非常搞笑,我給她看《盲點》這本書,是期望她注意到我摺過的某一頁,那裏寫著“我的一生都在嚮那些從來都不會懷疑我的人證明自己”,我覺得就是在說她,但很可惜她沒看到。 要是她多想一想,就會意識到她一直在嚮對她百分百信任的人挑釁,總是張牙舞爪怒氣衝...
圖書標籤: 心理學
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