佩裏·諾德曼,加拿大著名學者。在溫尼伯大學(the University of Winnipeg)任教37年.目前已退休,是該校的名譽教授。在學術期刊上發錶瞭一百多篇關於兒童文學各個方而的論文,著有《說說圖畫:兒童圖畫書的敘事藝術》(Words About Pictures:The Narrative Art of Chil—dren’s Picture Books)和《兒童文學的樂趣》(The Pleasu res of Child ren’s Literature)兩部理論著作,並創作瞭多部兒童和青少年小說。此外,諾德曼還曾在學術期刊《兒童文學協會季刊》(Child ren’s Literatu re Association Quarterly)當過5年編輯,並擔任瞭一年兒童文學協會的會長。
The Pleasures of Children's Literature, Third Edition, offers an overview of children's literature in the context of current professional discussion of children's literature and reading. Focusing on controversial issues and designed to provoke thought and debate, this ground-breaking text examines literary response to and analysis of the entire field of literary texts written by adults for children. The Pleasures of Children's Literature, Third Edition introduces and describes relevant current views in a number of disciplines, including literary theory; ideological, cultural and media studies; theories of visual culture and folklore; developmental and cognitive psychology; and pedagogical practice. Noteworthy new author team Nodelman and Reimer offer introductions to a range of relevant questions and approaches, and give readers an overview of theoretical approaches current in literary studies and related disciplines. They offer readers insight into the ways these studies and approaches might illuminate both children's responses and their own responses to understanding children's literature.
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圖書標籤: 兒童文學 TESOL Salu,Momo Edinburgh
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