吉本芭娜娜(1964-),本名吉本真秀子,生于东京,日本大学艺术系毕业。毕业后一度在餐厅当服务员。1987年以《厨房》获海燕新人文学奖,次年再度以《厨房》获泉镜花文学奖,后陆续获山本周五郎奖、紫式部奖等文学大奖。 1993年获意大利SCANO奖。作品畅销,被翻译成多种文字,受世界各地读者关注,掀起“芭娜娜热”。
Kitchen 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分有一些人,让我深为敬畏。他们睥睨一切无病呻吟和好逸恶劳者,披着铁的铠甲冲锋陷阵,永不言败,是绝对的栋梁之材。我身边就有这样一位铁人,每每看到我痛得呲牙咧嘴时就很不屑,说那是因为我病态的心理所致。 好吧,在我病态的心理下,把没有享受过任何一种痛的体验的人列入...
评分“这个世界上,我想我最喜欢的地方就是厨房。” 美影没日没夜腻在厨房呼呼大睡。里面应该有洗洁精的清香,调味料与食物残留在空气中的馨香,奶奶做饭时背影的温暖气息。冰箱轰隆隆响着,塞满足够度过整个冬天的食物,即使死亡逼近,寂寞降生,人还是需要他...
图书标签: 日本文学 女性文学 香蕉 非童书 英文 日本 Peace 1001
With the publication of Kitchen, the dazzling English-language debut that is still her best-loved book, the literary world realized that Yoshimoto was a young writer of enduring talent whose work has quickly earned a place among the best of contemporary Japanese literature. Kitchen is an enchantingly original book that juxtaposes two tales about mothers, love, tragedy, and the power of the kitchen and home in the lives of a pair of free-spirited young women in contemporary Japan. Mikage, the heroine, is an orphan raised by her grandmother, who has passed away. Grieving, Mikage is taken in by her friend Yoichi and his mother (who is really his cross-dressing father) Eriko. As the three of them form an improvised family that soon weathers its own tragic losses, Yoshimoto spins a lovely, evocative tale with the kitchen and the comforts of home at its heart.
In a whimsical style that recalls the early Marguerite Duras, "Kitchen" and its companion story, "Moonlight Shadow," are elegant tales whose seeming simplicity is the ruse of a very special writer whose voice echoes in the mind and the soul.
评分神感觉是总觉得中文译本的少年会更羞涩一些>< sensei更喜欢月影 还真是少女心
Kitchen 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书