霍利斯·B.錢納裏,哈佛大學教授,著名經濟學傢、 世界銀行經濟顧問,1918年生於弗吉尼亞洲,1950年獲哈佛大學經濟學博士學位,1968年獲荷蘭經濟學院榮譽博士。他曾任斯坦福大學教授、美國國際開發署副署長、世界銀行副行長等公職,1965年起任哈佛 大學教授至今。他還是世界經濟計量學會會員、美國文理研究院研究員。 錢納裏長期從事經濟發展、産業經濟學和國際經濟學的研究,其主要著作有:《産業聯係經濟學》(閤著,1959年)、《工業化進程》(1969年)、 《發展計劃研究》(1971年)、《發展型式,1950-1970》(閤著,1975年)、 《結構變化與發展政策》(1979年)等。
A variety of new patterns of industrial development--from the export-led growth of the Republic of Korea and Taiwan to the more inward-oriented growth of Colombia and Turkey--has emerged in the postwar period. This book provides an examination of these patterns. Applying a common analytical framework to the postwar experiences of nine industrializing economies, the authors determine the sources of industrialization and the relations between industry and agriculture. From this analysis, they derive three main patterns of industrialization, along with the policy implications of these patterns. The authors consider topics ranging from typical patterns of transformation and the methodology of multisector comparative analysis to statistical analysis of growth in semi-industrial countries, concluding with an overview of development strategy that analyzes alternative routes to development and suggests a synthesis of growth and structure.
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圖書標籤: 産業經濟學
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