Dl Rafferty's up to his neck in it yet again. Only this time, the danger is greater than merely being drummed out of the police force. Much greater. As chief suspect - unbeknownst to his colleagues - in his own double murder inquiry, he risks a life sentence. Becoming increasingly conscious of his own lonely state, Rafferty had signed up with the Made in Heaven dating agency. To avoid his mother discovering what he'd done, he had signed up under a borrowed false identity. What he hadn't bargained on was that the first two women with whom he had struck up a rapport should wind up murdered - and with himself, or, rather, his alter ego, Nigel Blythe, in the frame for the crime. At least, the alias has bought him some valuable time - it's the only bright element on the entire horizon. But will the alias and the disguise he has since found it necessary to adopt be enough to enable him to carry out the investigation? And will the extra time he's bought prove sufficient for him to find the girls' real killer before the finger of suspicion is pointed at him?
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