In this critically acclaimed debut novel, the aftermath of war in all its power is revealed in the lives of survivors and their loved ones. Mark, a young war photographer, returns to New York after being injured in a brush fire. Shell-shocked, torn apart by grief and guilt, he finds that his experiences have created a gulf between himself and his loved ones. The first to notice is his girlfriend, Elena, who grows increasingly alarmed as his condition continues to deteriorate. She is the most surprised when her grandfather, Joaquin, the last person from whom Elena wants to accept help, turns out to be the one to understand Mark's trauma. The two men -- bearers of grievously deep secrets -- forge an extraordinary relationship that will ultimately lead to life-altering revelations.This stunning novel is informed by Scott Anderson's experiences reporting on combat around the globe. "Triage" introduces a major new voice in American fiction.
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圖書標籤: Scribner 1999
喜歡諾蘭的敦刻爾剋的人應該也看看這本書,一個戰地記者在庫爾德斯坦失去瞭自己最好的朋友,通過鏡頭記錄無數死亡和人類的暴行。對戰後創傷,戰爭的本質,道德與人性, 宗教與救贖都有很深刻的討論。 沒有英雄主義的涅槃,人要背負著愧疚和痛苦活著,他這樣說,我們永遠無法在彆人身上求得原諒。
評分喜歡諾蘭的敦刻爾剋的人應該也看看這本書,一個戰地記者在庫爾德斯坦失去瞭自己最好的朋友,通過鏡頭記錄無數死亡和人類的暴行。對戰後創傷,戰爭的本質,道德與人性, 宗教與救贖都有很深刻的討論。 沒有英雄主義的涅槃,人要背負著愧疚和痛苦活著,他這樣說,我們永遠無法在彆人身上求得原諒。
評分喜歡諾蘭的敦刻爾剋的人應該也看看這本書,一個戰地記者在庫爾德斯坦失去瞭自己最好的朋友,通過鏡頭記錄無數死亡和人類的暴行。對戰後創傷,戰爭的本質,道德與人性, 宗教與救贖都有很深刻的討論。 沒有英雄主義的涅槃,人要背負著愧疚和痛苦活著,他這樣說,我們永遠無法在彆人身上求得原諒。
評分喜歡諾蘭的敦刻爾剋的人應該也看看這本書,一個戰地記者在庫爾德斯坦失去瞭自己最好的朋友,通過鏡頭記錄無數死亡和人類的暴行。對戰後創傷,戰爭的本質,道德與人性, 宗教與救贖都有很深刻的討論。 沒有英雄主義的涅槃,人要背負著愧疚和痛苦活著,他這樣說,我們永遠無法在彆人身上求得原諒。
評分喜歡諾蘭的敦刻爾剋的人應該也看看這本書,一個戰地記者在庫爾德斯坦失去瞭自己最好的朋友,通過鏡頭記錄無數死亡和人類的暴行。對戰後創傷,戰爭的本質,道德與人性, 宗教與救贖都有很深刻的討論。 沒有英雄主義的涅槃,人要背負著愧疚和痛苦活著,他這樣說,我們永遠無法在彆人身上求得原諒。
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